November 2012

3 NOV | 4 NOV | 11 NOV | 18 NOV | 21 NOV | 23 NOV | 25 NOV | 30 NOV
MEN: 1 Hosea Kipyego KOGEI KEN 2:24:22 2 Richard MUTISYA KEN 2:43:10 3 Chih-Fong HO TPE 2:45:55 4 Chih-Bing SU TPE 2:49:48 5 Kuang-Chou PONG TPE 2:50:28 WOMEN: 1 Ecler Chelimo LOYWAPEI KEN 2:51:11 2 Michael WAYUA KEN 3:01:46 3 Pei-Yu CHIEN TPE 3:03:08 4 Ling-Chun CHOU TPE 3:26:03 5 Shou-Yu DAI TPE 3:29:36
MEN: 1 Eliud MAGUT KEN 2:10:32 2 William BIAMA KEN 2:10:37 3 Katui KIPKEMOI KEN 2:13:14 4 Eliud KIPLAGAT KEN 2:13:40 5 Gezahagne ABERA ETH 2:15:01 6 Abebe HUNDE ETH 2:16:23 7 Stephane LEFRAND FRA 2:18:02 8 Alban CHORIN FRA 2:19:43 9 Freddy GUIMARD FRA 2:20:29 10 Sebastien CHARNAY FRA 2:20:57 WOMEN: 1 Aregu LECHISA ETH 2:31:57 2 Emily ROTICH KEN 2:32:56 3 Ayantu DAKEBO ETH 2:35:45 4 Aline CAMBOULIVES FRA 2:38:49 5 Tirulem BEKELE ETH 2:39:19 6 Corinne HERBRETAU-CANTE FRA 2:40:21 7 Sisay MEASSO ETH 2:46:53 8 Sharon TAVENGWA ZIM 2:51:26 9 Marilyne DELAGARDE-CHARPIN FRA 2:54:46 10 Celine BOUSREZ FRA 2:56:29
MEN: 1 Richard Kessio TIROP KEN 2:27:44 2 Aaron HONE USA 2:32:41 3 Silas KISORIO KEN 2:39:07 4 Zachary BREITENSTEIN USA 2:46:24 5 Ian CAMPBELL USA 2:50:14 6 Hilary KOGO KEN 2:51:40 7 Justin ADAMS USA 2:53:11 8 Billy SKORUPSKI USA 2:54:06 9 Matt SWANWICK USA 2:58:56 10 Doug ASSENMACHER USA 3:00:52 WOMEN: 1 Megan EARNEY USA 2:59:21 2 Laura EAKIN 3:00:49 3 Melissa BELK 3:04:27 4 Jenna MUTZ 3:19:38 5 Karin HURLEY 3:20:48 6 Becky LOWRANCE 3:29:45 7 Jill MARBLE 3:32:04 8 Devra GOWER 3:33:42 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Kipkirui RUTTO KEN 1:10:27 2 Julius ROTICH KEN 1:11:53 3 Marshall REED USA 1:12:58 WOMEN: 1 Kimi REED USA 1:18:18 2 Dorcas CHESANG KEN 1:20:45 3 Ellyn ATKINSON USA 1:25:33
MEN: 1 Hillary KIMAIYO KEN 2:16:24 2 Nixon CHERUTICH KEN 2:20:07 3 Christopher TOROITICH KEN 2:22:11 4 Jose ARREDONDO MEX 2:22:29 5 Stephen TANUI KEN 2:23:54 6 Fidel Garcia QUINTANA MEX 2:24:27 7 Festus KIKUMO KEN 2:27:21 8 John KANYIRI KEN 2:27:26 9 Abraham NOGUEZ MEX 2:34:35 10 John EKULAN KEN 2:34:39 WOMEN: 1 Truphena TARUS KEN 2:39:25 2 Neriah ASIBA KEN 2:40:29 3 Monicah OTWORI KEN 2:44:20 4 Paula Apolonia JUAREZ MEX 2:44:30 5 Dorcas KANGOGO KEN 2:45:11 6 Ruth KIMUTAI KEN 2:47:53 7 Judith Ramirez HERNANDEZ MEX 2:53:39 8 Salina KIPTARUS KEN 3:02:36 9 Alejandra Jacobo LARIOS MEX 3:03:59 10 Maria Noyola GONZALEZ MEX 3:04:12
MEN: 1 Neals STRIK NED 2:29:43 2 Nixon Kipkemoi SEGEI KEN 2:30:48 3 Alessandro BENERECETTI ITA 2:38:15 4 Marco SERASINI ITA 2:39:57 5 Rafaele FOCCHI ITA 2:42:18 6 Thomas CAPPONI ITA 2:43:34 7 Alberto DI PETRILLO ITA 2:44:12 8 Alberto RICCI ITA 2:47:23 9 Claudio PIROTTI ITA 2:49:01 10 Antonello GALLI ITA 2:50:37 WOMEN: 1 Irina PANKOVSKAYA RUS 2:53:08 2 Daniela PONTIERI ITA 2:59:38 3 Serena CAGNONI ITA 3:12:24 4 Aurora PLACCI ITA 3:17:47 5 Rosa ALFIERI ITA 3:22:00 6 Stefania BERNADELLI ITA 3:22:26 7 Laura SANGALLI ITA 3:22:52 8 Lorena PIASTRA ITA 3:28:25 9 Silvia ANCARANI ITA 3:29:56 10 Valeria GALIMBERTI ITA 3:31:09 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Wilson Kipkemei BUSIENI KEN 1:10:19 2 Isaack Kiprotich TANUI KEN 1:10:23 3 Abderrazak HAOUL MAR 1:14:46 WOMEN: 1 Eunice CHEBET KEN 1:19:13 2 Angeline NYIRANSABIMANA RWA 1:19:14 3 Monica BACCANELLI ITA 1:25:32

James Kwambai defended his title and set a new course record, by well over two minutes. Over 14,000 runners from 11 countries took part in favourably cool (10°C) conditions. Pacemaker Stephen Kibet passed through 10km in 29:56, 20km in 59:58 and 30km in 1:30:00. He then dropped out to leave Kwambai with a clear lead. Kwambai sped up through 35km (1:44:33) and 40km in 1:59:15 to coast home to an easy win and an impressive new record.
The women's race featured a domestic field in which Kyung-Hee Choi went clear after 35km to win by a margin of two minutes.
MEN: 1 James Kipsang KWAMBAI KEN 2:05:50 2 William Chebon CHEBOR KEN 2:10:24 3 Benjamin Kolum KIPTOO KEN 2:10:35 4 Hafid CHANI MAR 2:11:11 5 Dereje TESFAYE ETH 2:11:55 6 Boniface KIRUI KEN 2:12:50 7 Gebreselassie TSEGAY KEN 2:13:49 8 Kenneth Mburu MUNGARA KEN 2:16:53 9 Young-Jin KIM KOR 2:17:00 WOMEN: 1 Kyung-Hee CHOI KOR 2:39:20 2 Ho-Sun PARK KOR 2:41:43 3 Ji-Eun KIM KOR 2:41:49 4 Sun-Jung KIM KOR 2:44:56

Raymond Bett shaved a few seconds from the event record in this 30th edition of the race over the original marathon course used in the inaugural 1896 Olympics. Bett, who won the race two years ago, ran conservatively with a lead group of about a dozen until the first flat 11km had been run and the 20km-long rolling ascent into the hills had begun. By the end of it, with 11 gently downhill kilometres to run, he had only three others for company and they gradually peeled away so that after he dropped Alex Kirui with about 4km to go he was left with a clear run to the finish line in the Panathenaiko stadium. Paul Kosgei passed Kirui inside the stadium to take second place.

Bett said, "I used the experience of winning here two years ago to come through at the end. The conditions today were good, but if I come back again, I think I could break the course record". The course record, set during the 2004 Olympics winner, is Stefano Baldini's 2:10:55.
In her marathon debut Consolater Chemtai Yadaa won the women's race in exactly 2:40:00, only 30m ahead of Svitlana Stanko. Prizes were presented by World record holder Patrick Makau and 1988 Olympic Champion Rosa Mota, who had themselves collected awards on the Friday night at the AIMS-Athens Classic Marathon 30th Anniversary Gala.
The race has expanded considerably since the 2500th anniversary two years ago, of the Battle of Marathon, the event which ultimately gave rise to the creation of the event for the inaugural modern Olympic Games. There were just under 10,000 runners in the Marathon and 20,000 in the 5km and 10km races in Athens city centre.
MEN: 1 Raymond BETT KEN 2:11:35 2 Paul KOSGEI KEN 2:12:20 3 Alex KIRUI KEN 2:12.26 4 Japhet KIPKORIR KEN 2:13:31 5 Peter BIWOTT KEN 2:14:37 6 Charles NGOLEPUS KEN 2:16:55 WOMEN: 1 Cosolater Chemtai YADAA KEN 2:40:00 2 Svitlana STANKO UKR 2:40:07 3 Viola Chelangat KIMETTO KEN 2:40:28 4 Sviatlana KOHOUN BLR 2:42:30 5 Magdalini GAZEA GRE 2:44;42 6 Tetiana IVANOVA UKR 2:46:48
Under difficult weather conditions, Ethiopians Kedir Fekadu and Saeda Kedir were victorious at the 10th edition. The rain and wind did not stop more than 33,000 participants from 96 countries filling the streets of the city. Apart from the Marathon, there was a 42.195 km relay race, a 10km fun run, a 5km youth run, and a 1km run with mom and celebrity run.
The 1km celebrity race was added this year in order to get the general public interested in running and in order to create an atmosphere of positive sports values in the country in the face of the unrest in the region, and especially after the unfortunate explosion that rocked Beirut a few weeks back. The running community rallied to help the victims and seven Lebanese Marathon runners dedicated their race to raising funds for this cause, in coordination with local television station LBC, who ran a telethon for this purpose during its live broadcast of the race. Lebanese winners were Houssein Awada (2:28:29) and Maria Pia Nehme (3:16:38).
MEN: 1 Kedir FEKADU ETH 2:12:57 2 Stephen CHEPKOPOL KEN 2:13:14 3 William KIPSANG KEN 2:14:53 4 James ROTICH KEN 2:16:42 5 Ebisa EJIGU ETH 2:19:08 6 Samuel GOITOM KEN 2:24:41 7 Norman DLOMO RSA 2:25:53 8 Ibrahim YEHIA LIB 2:26:50 9 Hussein AWADAM LIB 2:28:29 10 Omar ISSA LIB 2:32:16 WOMEN: 1 Saeda KEDIR ETH 2:35:08 2 Monica JEPKOECH KEN 2:36:20 3 Mary AKOR USA 2:37:32 4 Selomie KASSA ETH 2:39:26 5 Alemnesh HABTEMIKAEL ETH 2:40:19 6 Habiba BEDU ETH 2:43:46 7 Maria Pia NEHME LIB 3:16:38 8 Laurent BILLET FRA 3:17:27 9 Susan VAN DUYL NED 3:19:45 10 Maria EL AMM LIB 3:21:21
MEN: 1 Hillary Kiprono BII KEN 1:05:09 2 Jaouad ZAIN ITA 1:05:42 3 Daniel Kipkirui NGENO KEN 1:06:08 4 Peter BII KEN 1:06:49 5 Abraham Kipkemei TALAM KEN 1:06:59 6 Khalid EN GUADY MAR 1:07:19 7 Abdelaziz EL MAKHROUT MAR 1:07:38 8 Heiko MIDDELHOFF GER 1:09:25 9 Nicola VENTUROLI ITA 1:10:12 10 Gabriele ABATE ITA 1:10:52 WOMEN: 1 Elisa DESCO ITA 1:17:42 2 Sandra URACH AUT 1:18:56 3 Anissa BADIS HUN 1:21:20 4 Silvia MORENI ITA 1:22:58 5 Emily LOUGHNAN AUS 1:24:06 6 Livia TOTH HUN 1:24:45 7 Cristina TENAGLIA ITA 1:26:19 8 Laura Carlotta BENEVENIA ITA 1:26:31 9 Rita BRAND GER 1:29:31 10 Michaela DANNER GER 1:29:51
Stephen Chebogut held back until late in the race as Kiprotich Yegon paced the field through halfway in 1:02:47. After 35km Chebogut led as others quickly fell back, giving him a winning margin of over four minutes.
The women's race was more tactical, although Jelela, the fastest in the field, led from the start. At halfway (1:12:30) she led by 20m from compatriots Amane Gobena and Alemitu Abera, with Ethiopian-born Sultan Haydar, running for Turkey, a similar distance further in arrears. Jelela and Gobena went clear in the final stages, and Jelela eventually proved the stronger of the two.
MEN: 1 Stephen CHEBOGUT KEN 2:11:05 2 Kiprotich YEGON KEN 2:15:34 3 Evans KIPLAGAT KEN 2:16:43 4 Megersa BACHA ETH 2:20:10 5 Nicholas KEMBOI QAT 2:20:40 WOMEN: 1 Koren JELELA ETH 2:28:05 2 Amane GOBENA ETH 2:28:38 3 Sultan HAYDAR TUR 2:29:41 4 Alemitu ABERA ETH 2:30:14 5 Ummu KIRAZ TUR 2:36:15
MEN: 1 Edwin Kipsang ROTICH KEN 28:32 2 Ismael Juma GALLET KEN 28:45 3 Giovani DOS SANTOS BRA 28:56 4 Damiao Ancelmo DE SOUZA BRA 29:24 5 Hilary Kipgetich KIBET KEN 29:37 6 Valdir Sergio DE OLIVEIRA BRA 29:52 7 Gladson Alberto Silva BARBOSA BRA 29:53 8 Eliezer De Jesus SANTOS BRA 30:05 9 Edmilson Dos Reis SANTANA BRA 30:19 10 Gilmar Silvestre LOPES BRA 30:25 WOMEN: 1 Mirlene Da Silva DOS SANTOS BRA 37:51 2 Raimunda Ma Brito DA FONSECA BRA 40:45 3 Andressa De Mesqu NASCIMENTO BRA 42:28 4 Claudine HOTZ BRA 44:03 5 Vitoria Regia DE ARAUJO BRA 44:42 6 Thais De Oliveira LAURIA BRA 45:00 7 Adriana Lustosa GASPAR BRA 45:32 8 Helena Luriko YANAGUI BRA 46:23 9 Alva Valeria DE MENEZES BRA 47:50 10 Claudia Paes MURO BRA 48:07
MEN: 1 John Kiprop SAMOEI KEN 2:30:24 2 Edwin Kipkemai LAGAT KEN 2:30:37 3 Shardack KIPKOSGEI KEN 2:32:01 4 Negash MOGESE ETH 2:32:22 5 Gedara Nananda Asele BANDARA SRI 2:34:30 6 Daniel GACHUI KEN 2:39:58 7 Birhanu MEGERSA ETH 2:40:59 8 Charles TAIYA KEN 2:47:11 9 Javaratne PATHIRANALAGE SRI 2:47:49 10 Wikramsingha PUSHPAKUMARA SRI 2:50:46 WOMEN: 1 Everline Nyamu ATANCHA KEN 2:50:12 2 Anusha SHYAMALEE SRI 3:11:38 3 Manjula KUMARASINGHE SRI 3:12:57 4 Arpassara PRASARTHINPIMAI THA 3:15:11 5 Sintayehu Adal KIBEBO ETH 3:18:32 6 Chorthip KAN-UARM THA 3:24:06 7 unknown THA 3:26:46 8 Mary KIGURU KEN 3:31:20 9 Mei Lun Melissa YEUNG CHN 3:40:30 10 Camilla WADE-WEST GBR 3:40:54 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Joseph Ngare MWANGI KEN 1:06:03 2 Mohammed TEMAN ETH 1:06:45 3 Bernard Musendia MUTHANII KEN 1:06:47 WOMEN: 1 Margaret Njunga WANGUI KEN 1:18:46 2 Alice Kabura NJOROGE KEN 1:21:10 3 Aregasn Abate GUBAE ETH 1:21:20
MEN: 1 Benjamin BRUCE USA 1:04:46 2 Samuel KOSGEI KEN 1:06:00 3 Fred CHUMBO KEN 1:06:00 4 Joseph MUTINDA KEN 1:06:14 5 Ryan BAK USA 1:06:42 6 Eddie ERNEST-JONES USA 1:08:58 7 Mark PILJA USA 1:09:32 8 Jesus CAMPOS USA 1:10:40 9 Adam ROACH USA 1:11:32 10 Chris KNORZER USA 1:12:14 WOMEN: 1 Stephanie ROTHSTEIN-BRUCE USA 1:12:19 2 Risper GESEBWA KEN 1:13:40 3 Kellyn JOHNSON USA 1:14:30 4 Mary AKOR USA 1:17:50 5 Natalie BAK USA 1:17:54 6 Jenny WILSON USA 1:19:18 7 Julia MALLON USA 1:19:23 8 Emily LARRIMER USA 1:20:15 9 Lisa HARVEY CAN 1:20:44 10 Mary COORDT USA 1:20:57
MEN: 1 Luka ROTICH KEN 1:03:26 2 Khalid BOUMILI MAR 1:04:21 3 Abraha ZEBREBA ETH 1:04:21 WOMEN: 1 Alice MUJER KEN 1:12:22 2 Samira RIAF MAR 1:14:59 3 Salam ABIR ETH 1:19:14
MEN: 1 Jorge Luis SUAREZ CUB 2:23:19 2 Jacinto MILANES CUB 2:28:18 3 Henry JAEN CUB 2:30:48 4 Isbel MILLIAN CUB 2:42:33 5 Daniel MIRANDA CUB 2:42:49 6 Elisaldo LEON CUB 2:43:58 7 Jorge Luis MORA CUB 2:46:08 8 Eddy Evelio SUAREZ CUB 2:49:10 9 Ana Maria HERNANDEZ CUB 2:56:21 10 Wilmer FONSECA CUB 3:03:16 WOMEN: 1 Yailen GARCIA CUB 2:45:27 2 Leticia CEDENO CUB 3:15:35 3 Aracelis LAMOTH CUB 3:18:59 4 Zini FEDERICA ITA 3:27:48 5 Ineisi BENITEZ CUB 3:28:01 6 Raquel MARTINEZ CUB 3:58:36 7 Maria Elena CASTELLANA ITA 4:08:22 8 Daniela Jorgelina BARTOLACCI ARG 4:11:40 9 Ana Maria HERNANDEZ CUB 4:17:52 10 Gabi SCHMIDT GER 4:28:20 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Richer PEREZ CUB 1:06:59 2 Carlos RODRIGUEZ CUB 1:10:50 3 Jose SANCHEZ CUB 1:11:22 WOMEN: 1 Dailin BELMONTE CUB 1:15:22 2 Yudileyvis CASTILLO CUB 1:20:37 3 Milena PEREZ CUB 1:21:55
MEN: 1 I Kiplagat KIMAIYO KEN 2:31:02 2 N Kutung CHEPSE KEN 2:33:06 3 Frederick MATHIU 2:35:07 4 G Kiprotich BIRGEN KEN 2:41:38 5 E Kiprono CHEMWOLO KEN 2:44:24 6 D Kiprotich KOGO KEN 2:47:57 7 S Bin HASHIM 2:49:27 8 F Osmond BIN 2:52:43 9 P Chirchir LAGAT KEN 2:58:07 10 Mark John WILLIAMS KEN 2:58:30 WOMEN: 1 Monica FISCHER GER 3:25:10 2 Deborah CHINN 3:27:13 3 Ninik SUGIWATI 3:37:31 4 Clementine 3:39:37 5 Tan Geok PHENG 3:40:55 6 Elke LEWERENZ 3:46:00 7 Ling Mee ENG 3:51:19 8 A Ohene KENA 3:54:19 9 Yee Pei NI 3:56:39 10 Megan Foo Bee FON 4:00:03 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 R Kennedy KIBET KEN 1:07:40 2 David MUTAI KEN 1:08:25 3 M Johndan KIPLIMO KEN 1:10:45 WOMEN: 1 W Wambui KARIMI KEN 1:25:18 2 Monicah JEPKORIR KEN 1:25:35 3 Amelia BINTI 1:29:57
MEN: 1 Michael MCKEEMAN USA 2:17:49 2 Scott MACPHERSON USA 2:18:32 3 Abiyot ENDALE USA 2:19:11 4 Evan GAYNOR USA 2:20:33 5 Tesfaye Asefa DUBE ETH 2:20:34 6 Mark CHEPSES KEN 2:20:55 7 Kipyegon KIRUI KEN 2:21:26 8 Glenn RANDALL USA 2:21:29 9 Ryan JOHNS USA 2:21:33 10 Francois LHUISSIER USA 2:21:40 WOMEN: 1 Irina MASHKANTCEVA RUS 2:35:37 2 Venemo SARMASOVA RUS 2:35:56 3 Katie DICAMILLO USA 2:38:50 4 Meagan NEDLO USA 2:39:08 5 Heidi PEOPLES USA 2:40:55 6 Elena ORLOVA RUS 2:41:28 7 Sarah CUMMINGS USA 2:43:03 8 Alison MACSAS USA 2:44:56 9 Dalena CUSTER USA 2:46:06 10 Colleen TINDALL USA 2:46:16 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Isaac KORIR KEN 1:02:52 2 Samuel NDEREBA KEN 1:03:02 3 Mengistu NEBSI ETH 1:03:44 WOMEN: 1 Misiker DEMISSIE ETH 1:11:56 2 Hellen JEMUTAI KEN 1:12:37 3 Stephanie PEZZULLO USA 1:13:12
MEN: 1 Patrick TERER KEN 2:10:34 2 Daniel RONO KEN 2:11:40 3 Jackson KIRWA KEN 2:13:29 4 Seboka Niguse ERRE ETH 2:14:48 5 Ahmed NASEF MAR 2:15:11 6 Nicholas KOECH KEN 2:15:35 7 Stefano SCAINI ITA 2:16:26 8 Flavio ANDRADE BRA 2:17:58 9 Andrew Ben KIMTAI KEN 2:18:48 10 Hugo VAN DEN BROEK NED 2:24:44 WOMEN: 1 Sharon CHEROP KEN 2:23:57 2 Hilda KIBET NED 2:25:46 3 Valeria STRANEO ITA 2:27:04 4 Derbe Godana GEBISSA ETH 2:27:32 5 Emma QUAGLIA ITA 2:28:15 6 Milka KIPKEROR KEN 2:29:33 7 Romina CAVALLERA ITA 2:42:37 8 Ana CAPUSTIN ITA 2:43:06 9 Iness CHENONGE KEN 2:44:52 10 Monica PANUELLO ITA 2:49:03
WOMEN (ONLY): 1 Lydia CHEROMEI KEN 2:23:07 2 Mizuho NASAUKAWA JPN 2:26:42 3 Marisa BARROS POR 2:26:51 4 Jelena PROKOPCUKA LAT 2:26:55 5 Mai ITO JPN 2:27:06 6 Kim SMITH NZL 2:27:35 7 Mayumi FUJITA JPN 2:29:02 8 Yukiko AKABA JPN 2:31:43 9 Eri HAYAKAWA JPN 2:33:21 10 Hiroko MIYAUCHI JPN 2:33:21
MEN: 1 Luka KANDA KEN 2:08:14 2 Joel KIMURER KEN 2:08:18 3 Gemechu BIRU ETH 2:09:59 4 Isaac KOSGEI KEN 2:11:01 5 Hassane AHOUCHAR MAR 2:11:22 6 Mehari BARAKI ETH 2:14:37 7 Solonei Rocha DA SILVA POR 2:22:26 8 Marco Cepeda MARTIN ESP 2:25:08 9 Roberto Bueno LOSADA ESP 2:25:23 10 Luis Martinez GOMEZ ESP 2:25:34 WOMEN: 1 Birhane DIBABA ETH 2:29:22 2 Amelework FIKADU ETH 2:32:39 3 Olha KOTOVSKA BLR 2:33:44 4 Adriana DA SILA BRA 2:34:11 5 Hellen KIMUTAI KEN 2:35:30 6 Emily NGETICH KEN 2:36:57 7 Fatima AYACHI ESP 2:37:45 8 Nazha MACROUH ESP 2:39:39 9 Sandra Cordoba OTERO ESP 2:40:02 10 Estela NAVASCUES ESP 2:40:55
MEN: 1 Andrew MURRAY GBR 3:41:15 2 Luis Alonso MARCOS ESP 3:49:50 3 Douglas WILSON GBR 4:17:03 4 Steve BIRNIE GBR 4:37:35 5 Julen Urdaibai KALZADA ESP 4:46:40 6 Mark COOPER AUS 4:54:44 7 Cees HARDEMAN NED 4:57:07 8 Marcelo Rodrigo ALVES BRA 4:59:41 9 Walter JAHRIES USA 5:07:22 10 Aad RUIJGROK NED 5:08:56 WOMEN: 1 Demelza FARR AUS 5:09:43 2 Nancy MOUNDALEXIS USA 5:41:40 3 Amanda BARLOW AUS 5:44:22 4 Lenneke BOOD NED 5:51:37 5 Janet CODY USA 6:06:42 6 Shona THOMPSON GBR 6:23:10 7 Anna CHERNOVA GBR 6:27:22 8 GiGi VAN OSTRAND USA 6:35:26 9 Danielle WHITNEY USA 6:46:27 10 Gloria LAU SIN 7:13:45
Runners started the three-day Challenge on Friday afternoon in bright sunshine and good weather continued right through the weekend. The first 11.195km stage is a lap run from the old capital of Mdina in the centre of the island.
Many previous winners started, along with two runners invited by the Malta Tourism Authority, Bartsz Mazerski from Poland and Vladimir Sementsov from Russia. Mazersky quickly established himself in the men's race with five-time series winner Carmen Hili heading the women. By the end Mazersky led Sementsov by 53 seconds, and Hili had a lead of over four minutes.
Stage 2 the next day was a 6km lap around the pretty seaside resort of Birzebbuga. The course record for this stage has stood since 1992 but Mazerski ducked under it by three seconds — yet Sementsov was a further two seconds ahead with 18:26. Hili, now 41, stretched out her overall lead by almost another two minutes over the Dutch runner Suzanne Weide.
Sunday's 25km final stage started at 7:00 am from St Paul's Bay for an eastbound coastal run-in to the island's capital, Valetta. Vladimir Sementsov's wife had been taken ill and he had spent most of the night in hospital with her, but at 10km was matching Mazersky's torrid pace, and both were on track to break the 20-year old overall course record. Although both runners later slowed they were neck and neck in the final kilometre, with Mazersky eventually prevailing by a single second. His overall time was the fastest for 15 years.
Hili had the women's race won, and with it the series, but behind her the young Maltese Roberta Schembri ran a strong race to hoist herself above Weide for second in the overall ranking.
MEN: day 1 day 2 day 3 total 1 Bartosz MAZERSKI POL 36:11 18:08 1:25:37 2:20:16 2 Vladimir SEMENTSOV RUS 37:04 18:26 1:25:38 2:21:08 3 Brian MAGRI MLT 40:17 20:53 1:34:55 2:36:05 4 David MANSBRIDGE GBR 40:01 22:10 1:34:53 2:37:04 5 Alex SCHEMBRI MLT 41:27 20:50 1:35:46 2:38:03 6 Johann GALEA MLT 40:32 21:18 1:36:25 2:38:15 7 Drew LANG MLT 40:33 21:25 1:37:01 2:39:09 8 Matthew CUTTAJAR MLT 42:06 21:07 1:36:21 2:39:34 9 Antoine ABELA MLT 42:29 21:24 1:38:32 2:42:25 10 Jimmy SACCO MLT 43:18 22:08 1:41:43 2:47:09 WOMEN: 1 Carmen HILI MLT 44:18 22:56 1:46:00 2:53:14 2 Roberta SCHEMBRI MLT 50:42 24:55 1:54:19 3:09:56 3 Suzanne WEIDE NED 48:38 24:47 1:56:59 3:10:24 4 Marthesa MERCIECA MLT 48:14 24:28 2:01:48 3:11:38 5 Silvana CAMILLERI MLT 51:17 26:16 1:59:43 3:17:16 6 Jacqueline BOOKER MLT 50:13 26:07 2:01:01 3:17:21 7 Elaine MILFSUD MLT 58:39 28:43 2:07:46 3:35:08 8 Catharina VAN HOF NED 56:39 27:57 2:11:46 3:36:22 9 Maria DOHMEN NED 59:33 29:10 2:19:31 3:48:14 10 Clare MILFSUD MLT 59:44 30:30 2:20:16 3:50:30
MEN: 1 Mohamed ABOZAID EGY 8:40:20 2 Mahamoud DEHIS EGY 8:47:40 3 Brian LANG CAN 10:50:30 4 Robert PREIST USA 11:55:05 WOMEN: 1 Susannah GILL GBR 10:40:15 2 Madhusmita JENA-DAS IND 11:02:00 TEAMS: 1 Egypt 7:43:15 2 France 7:52:05 3 GBR/NED/NZL 8:01:00 4 France 8:27:20 5 EGY/GER (3-person) 8:30:15
The 32nd Beijing Marathon, re-scheduled from 14 October, hosted 30,000 runners in feezing conditions writes Mirko Javala.
Eliud Kiptanui took the lead from a large group around 24km, pulling the Ethiopian pair Tariku Jufar and Solomon Molla along with him. This trio travelled together to 35km, which they passed in 1:52. The 28-year-old Jufa then quickly opened up a big gap. Molla moved into second as Kiptanui slipped back to third, but the Kenyan regained second place soon after 37km. Things stayed this way until the finish line with no real sprint finish.
The women's race remained open up to 35km where Sun Lamei and Jia Chaofeng were running side-by-side in the lead with Sun Weiwei following close behind. Jia changed pace quite close to the same place where Jifar took the lead and just like in the men's race, she quickly left Sun behind and was really not threatened in the long final straight. Sun Lamei, 21, took an impressive second in her second career Marathon with a big personal best 13 minutes faster than her debut in 2009 at the age of 18. Third-placed Sun Weiwei, who clocked her personal best 2:25:15 for fifth place in Beijing 2002 at the age of 17 in her Marathon debut, finished with a season's best and the fourth best clocking of her career.
MEN: 1 Tariku JUFAR ETH 2:09:39 2 Eliud KIPTANUI KEN 2:10:15 3 Solomon MOLLA ETH 2:10:20 WOMEN: 1 Chiaofeng JIA CHN 2:27:40 2 Lamei SUN CHN 2:27:55 3 Weiwei SUN CHN 2:28:03
MEN: 1 Andrey LEYMAN RUS 1:09:30 2 Michael KEENAN GBR 1:18:06 3 Chrysanthos ANTONIOU CYP 1:21:42 4 Demos PAPADAVID CYP 1:23:33 5 George TSIANAKAS CYP 1:23:42 6 Charalambos IOANNOU CYP 1:23:51 7 Lee GREEN GBR 1:25:44 8 Costas PATINIOS CYP 1:26:27 9 Vasilis PERIKLEOUS CYP 1:26:28 10 Richard RUTKOWSKI GBR 1:27:03 WOMEN: 1 Julia TULLY GBR 1:31:56 2 Victoria WHITE GBR 1:34:22 3 Owena GURUNG GBR 1:34:30 4 Carmen MACHERIOTOU CYP 1:38:11 5 Caroline LINARES GBR 1:40:43 6 Melanie REED GBR 1:40:56 7 Doris FENNER GER 1:44:57 8 Helen WUETHRICH SUI 1:48:12 9 Christine LANGENEGGER SUI 1:48:13 10 Sue NICOLLS GBR 1:48:32
MEN: 1 Endeshaw NEGESSE ETH 2:09:59 2 Birhanu BEKELE ETH 2:10:38 3 Habtamu ASEFA ETH 2:10:55 4 Mohamed MUSTAFA SWE 2:12:34 5 Yakob YARSO ETH 2:13:40 6 Massimo LEONARDI ITA 2:19:55 7 Hamid KOHAMMEDNUR ERI 2:19:56 8 Carmine BUCCILLI ITA 2:20:18 9 Henri MANNINEN FIN 2:20:21 10 Stephen KIPKOECH KEN 2:22:23 WOMEN: 1 Shuru DIRIBA ETH 2:30:08 2 Janat HANANE MAR 2:34:21 3 Johanna KYKYRI FIN 2:38:27 4 Tadelech BIRRA ETH 2:41:11 5 Charlotte KARLSSON SWE 2:44:28 6 Denise CAVALLINI ITA 2:46:03 7 Sofia RIGA GRE 2:47:09 8 Elena FRATUS ITA 2:50:02 9 Josephine AMBJORNSSON SWE 2:54:51 10 Lisa FINLAY GBR 2:54:58
The race brings together Ethiopia's best traditions in long distance running with the country's unique cultural celebrations writes Elshadai Negash. It usually serves as an opportunity for Ethiopia's young and upcoming runners to move on to an international running career. This year's winners, however, were no newcomers.
Hagos Gebrhiwet, 19, earlier this year became world junior record holder for 5000m and Aberu Kebede won the Berlin Marathon. Gebrhiwet had to battle long and hard with Berhanu Legesse and Belete Assefa before clinching his first ever victory in this race. Gadisa Berhanu headed a lead pack of 15 through the first half before trying to break at 6.5km. He succeeded in dropping all but five others, leaving six still in the hunt at 7km. Gebrhiwet then dropped back slightly, which slowed the field and allowed the six to re-group before the pace began to increase again from 8km. Assefa and Legesse exchanged the lead for the next kilometre but did not get any gap. Gebrhiwet assumed the lead at 9km and surged to victory. "I opted to stay behind because the weather and pace was a bit tough" explained Gebrhiwet.
The women's race had a similar sustained finish from Aberu Kebede, overcoming the challenge of up-comer Tsegereda Girma and Olympic 10,000m finalist Belaynesh Oljira for a closely-fought victory. Fifteen women passed halfway in 16:18 with Kebede already leading the way. After 7km (23:06) Kebede made the first of two breakaway attempts, but Girma stormed out of the pack to cover the move. The group then dwindled to six as Girma went ahead, putting most others in trouble. Kebede was the exception, and she opened up a 10m gap. Girma and Oljira got back on terms but Kebede kicked again with 300m to go, and sailed through the finish 15m clear. "I was a bit scared of losing today because for a long time I was training only for the Marathon" said Kebede.
MEN: 1 Hagos GEBRHIWET ETH 28:37 2 Birhanu LEGESSE ETH 28:41 3 Belete ASSEFA ETH 28:45 4 Kinde ATONE ETH 28:58 5 Yigrem DEMELASH ETH 29:14 6 Gemechew EDEO ETH 29:16 7 Yenew ALAMEREW ETH 29:19 8 Zelalem BAMA ETH 29:20 9 Mekashaw ESHETE ETH 29:20 10 Ayele MEGERSA ETH 29:21 WOMEN: 1 Aberu KEBEDE ETH 33:27 2 Tsegereda GIRMA ETH 33:30 3 Belaynesh OLJIRA ETH 33:33 4 Rutti AGA ETH 33:41 5 Werkinesh SHASHE ETH 33:53 6 Alem FIKRE ETH 34:00 7 Alemitu HAROYE ETH 34:01 8 Denknesh MEKASH ETH 34:02 9 Tsehay CHAKA ETH 34:08 10 Sule ULTRA ETH 34:11

The 10th edition of the Hyderabad 10km celebrated a new partnership as the race founders brought on board professional race organisers Procam International who recruited a new title sponsor, Jamba Cloud.
The race started at 6:40 in cool conditions, with a group of four leading men holding together for the first half of the race, passed in 13:40. Soon after, the group split, with Nicholas Kipkemboi making the pace and Mosinet Geremew following very closely, while looking ominously relaxed. Defending champion Daniel Yegon tailed off alongside Jackson Kiprop, and for the rest of the race it was a tale of two pairs testing each other. Geremew kicked ahead of Kipkemboi with 200m to go, but it remained a close-fought race to the finish.
In the women's race Beatrice Mutai and Yebrgual Melese were a cut above the rest of the field, passing through halfway together in 16:53, already 35 seconds up on the chasing group of three. In the second half Melese upped the pace, and by the finish line had outdistanced Mutai by a margin of 80m. They alone recorded negative splits, and took another minute out of their closest pursuer, India's Sudha Singh.
MEN: 1 Mosinet GEREMEW ETH 27:36 2 Nicholas KIPKEMBOI KEN 27:37 3 Jackson KIPROP UGA 28:16 4 Daniel YEGON KEN 28:41 5 Hillary KEMBOI KEN 28:52 6 Sibusiso NIZIMA RSA 29:35 7 Obadiah KISANG KEN 29:39 8 Rattiram SAINI IND 30:16 9 Isaac KIPKEMOI KEN 30:22 10 Beharu BALCHA ETH 30:28 WOMEN: 1 Yebrgual MELESE ETH 33:21 2 Beatrice MUTAI KEN 33:36 3 Sudha SINGH IND 35:18 4 Kavitha RAUT IND 36:01 5 Eunice JEROTICH KEN 36:13 6 Monika ATHREY IND 37:21 7 Monica RAUT IND 38:13 8 Rohini RAUT IND 38:57 9 Virginia NJERI KEN 40:59 10 Reshma DALVI IND 43:55
MEN: 1 Kensuke TAKAHASHI JPN 2:21:13 2 Masahiro HIGUCHI JPN 2:25:19 3 Masaki TANO JPN 2:27:54 WOMEN: 1 Yui OUCHI JPN 2:39:52 2 Chihiro TANAKA JPN 2:42:21 3 Kaori OYAMA JPN 2:42:41
MEN: 1 Norio KAMIJO JPN 2:21:53 2 Yuta KOYAMA JPN 2:24:02 3 Akiyoshi KAMIJO JPN 2:24:15 4 Masataka UCHINO JPN 2:26:38 5 Satoshi NAMAI JPN 2:30:36 6 Masashi SHIROTAKE JPN 2:31:20 7 Tomonori ISOO JPN 2:32:28 8 Masaaki WATANABE JPN 2:32:56 9 Hiroaki HIRANUMA JPN 2:33:17 WOMEN: 1 Natsuko MURAMATSU JPN 2:52:54 2 Miho YANAGISAWA JPN 2:54:45 3 Rebecca ROSEL AUS 3:00:37 4 Masae FURUYA JPN 3:01:59 5 Shizuka OTSU JPN 3:04:43 6 Rie ITO JPN 3:06:04 7 Maki HAGIWARA JPN 3:08:21 8 Kari HAYAKAWA JPN 3:10:15 9 Emi NAKAGAWA JPN 3:10:48 10 Yurina KAWASAKI JPN 3:12:33
MEN: 1 Alene Amere RETA ETH 1:02:54 2 Robert Kiprotich LETTING KEN 1:03:08 3 Alejandro SUAREZ MEX 1:03:44 WOMEN: 1 Grace WAMBUI KEN 1:12:09 2 Ogla KIMAIYO KEN 1:14:13 3 Risper GESEBWA KEN 1:15:42
MEN: 1 Ser-Od BAT-OCHIR MGL 2:11:52 2 Yasuyuki NAKAMURA JPN 2:15:37 3 Atsushi SATO JPN 2:16:26 4 Oleg KULKOV RUS 2:16:53 WOMEN: 1 Lidia SIMON ROU 2:33:12 2 Julia MOMBI KEN 2:34:16 3 Yuki INO JPN 2:43:24 4 Yumiko HARA JPN 2:44:24
MEN: 1 Jami SEGUNDO ECU 1:07:21 2 Miguel ALMACHI ECU 1:07:32 3 Paulo BUENANO ECU 1:08:06 4 Byron PIEDRA ECU 1:08:31 5 Manuel CANAR ECU 1:09:49 WOMEN: 1 Diana LANDI ECU 1:17:05 2 Rosa CHACHA ECU 1:20:54 3 Jeanneth COLLAGUAZO ECU 1:24:42 4 Nancy OSORIO ECU 1:25:51 5 Monica CAJAMARCA ECU 1:27:47
MEN: 1 Chentan BUSHENDICH KEN 2:09:12 2 Nahashon KIMAIYO KEN 2:11:44 3 David TONIOK KEN 2:12:14 4 Elijah TIROP KEN 2:13:05 5 Tola LEMA ETH 2:14:23 6 Richard ROTICH KEN 2:16:29 7 Michal KACZMAREK POL 2:16:48 8 Said EL FADIL FRA 2:17:03 9 Desta MORKAMA ETH 2:19:25 10 Julien COTTIN FRA 2:26:16 WOMEN: 1 Zherfe BOKU ETH 2:32:59 2 Joyce KANDIE KEN 2:38:57 3 Shona CROMBIE-HICKS GBR 2:51:42 4 Jocelyne PAULY FRA 2:57:59 5 Jemila WORTESA ETH 2:58:18 6 Virginie BABUREK FRA 2:58:27 7 Murielle BRIONNE FRA 3:03:04 8 Christine MAYONNADE FRA 3:05:51 9 Sandra BEAUVAIS FRA 3:06:22 10 Coralie DARTIGUES FRA 3:07:27
MEN: 1 Asier Cuevas ETTCHETO ESP 2:23:23 2 Ibon ESPARZA OLANO ESP 2:29:00 3 Salvador PALOMARES ESP 2:29:38 4 Ibon Bengotetxea ZABALA ESP 2:29:43 5 Xabat Manzisidor ERMINA ESP 2:29:58 6 Moray ANDERSON GBR 2:30:12 7 Mark RYALL GBR 2:31:21 8 Sabin Arruti MANCISIDOR ESP 2:32:48 9 Inaki Marsal NICUESA ESP 2:32:53 10 Etor Etxeandia LEJARZEGI ESP 2:33:42 WOMEN: 1 Ma Yoland Gutierrez ROBLES ESP 2:45:43 2 Amaia Ostolazo ANTELO ESP 2:49:32 3 Ma Lopez de Tejada RUIZ ESP 2:52:51 4 Claudia Behobide ALCAIN ESP 2:56:28 5 Amaia Zuloaga EIZAGUIRRE ESP 3:00:41 6 Kelly WILLIS GBR 3:01:55 7 Eneritz Sein AGUIRREGOMEZKORTA ESP 3:02:17 8 Maite Mayora ELIZONDO ESP 3:02:33 9 Sarah DUDGEON GBR 3:02:43 10 Leire Aguirrezabala EZKURDIA ESP 3:06:54 10km MEN: 1 Antonio ETXEBERRIA ESP 30:59 2 Lionel PETRIARQ 31:13 3 Benjamin FREDRICH 31:41 WOMEN: 1 Nerea Abrego ANTIA ESP 36:21 2 Christelle LARRERE 37:43 3 Cristina Loeda SOTO 38:12
MEN: 1 Uli STEIDL USA 2:28:28 2 Evan BLANSHAN USA 2:30:19 3 Jesse STEVICK USA 2:36:11 4 Bill CONDON USA 2:39:18 5 Tyler DUDLEY USA 2:39:31 6 James DESALVO 2:40:51 7 Keegan SYMMES 2:41:03 8 Jeff TOMASZEWSKI 2:41:57 9 Matthew HAGGEERTY 2:43:06 10 Ben HABER 2:43:25 WOMEN: 1 Kristen CARTER USA 2:47:06 2 Susan EMPEY 2:50:00 3 Lauren MATTHEWS 2:51:50 4 Dyan SIMON 3:00:54 5 Milah FROWNFELTER 3:06:31 6 Aliza KREISMAN 3:08:54 7 Christine MOSLEY 3:10:26 8 Dariusz STUJ 3:12:47 9 Stephanie HENSTROM 3:13:02 10 Jennifer TOM 3:14:17 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Jonathan LAFLER USA 1:08:32 2 Lars-Erik MALDE 1:09:15 3 Brian MASTERSON USA 1:10:09 WOMEN: 1 Rachel JATEN USA 1:21:18 2 Sarah MACKAY USA 1:21:54 3 Paige PATTILLO USA 1:23:00
MEN: 1 Thomas KIPROTICH KEN 1:12:01 2 Yiu Chong WUN HKG 1:15:28 3 Kwok Hang CHAN HKG 1:16:14 4 Cheuk Hei WAN HKG 1:16:35 5 Kang NGAI HKG 1:16:40 6 Yun Leung MAK HKG 1:16:57 7 Yat Hung YEUNG HKG 1:17:16 8 Phillippe COSENTINO 1:17:30 9 Thomas BOOTH 1:18:58 10 Kin Hang LAU HKG 1:19:09 WOMEN: 1 Michelle LOWRY 1:19:44 2 Chi Ngan CHOW HKG 1:22:51 3 Angelina KONG HKG 1:27:27 4 Mary Kam Man HUI HKG 1:28:42 5 Sui Ping FAN HKG 1:28:51 6 Jane HODGSKIN 1:29:21 7 Yuen Fan LEONG HKG 1:30:22 8 Gillian CASTKA GBR 1:31:15 9 Ka Yan LAM HKG 1:31:16 10 Mui Ying May CHONG HKG 1:32:52
Runners started in almost perfect, cool, running conditions but the wind got up after only a few kilometres through the city centre writes Norrie Williamson.
The leading group of six then headed into the north wind in single file. After the turn the pace picked up with Fathi Sliman, Thef Allah Matar and Raafat Alzoboun together in a tight group for the next 7km, after which Sliman and Matar started to test each other. But it was Alzoboun who edged an advantage to take the win on the line. Soujoud Alkhutaba was the only woman to break the 90 minute barrier.
It was windier still for the start of the 10km, as a field of 600 took the 'running tour' along the roads of the sponsors' new lifestyle resort. The large early pack was decimated by their headlong effort and by 5km was down to three. Hamzeh Almadahneh had the better of his challengers who were unable to respond to his kick with 800m remaining. Hanaweeha Hasab was unchallenged in the women's race, the only one to beat 40 minutes.
It was a day of celebration with Prince Firas Raad, and his wife and family running the 10km distance before attending the medical open day at Aqaba hospital as part of the races charity project. The event is organized under the Neurological Society, and is held to raise funds and awareness. Many top doctors donate one day of their skills, knowledge and time to give free medical attention to the most needy.
MEN: 1 Raafat ALZOBOUN JOR 1:09:00 2 Fathi SLIMAN JOR 1:09:02 3 Thef MATAR JOR 1:10:07 WOMEN: 1 Sujoud AL-KHATABA JOR 1:29:31 2 Razan AL-MOQBEL JOR 1:33:14 3 Nahida AL-WABAT JOR 1:35:22 10km MEN: 1 Hamzeh AL-MADAHNEH JOR 32:02 2 Bashar RAHAYL JOR 32:07 3 Ayman AL-SURADI JOR 32:11 WOMEN: 1 Hanaweeha Hasab ALLA SUD 38:55 2 Sabreye AL-MARADAT JOR 40:56 3 Monica MATSUMOTO USA 46:14