June 2007

2 JUN | 3 JUN |
9 JUN | 16 JUN | 17 JUN |
24 JUN | 28 JUN | 30 JUN
This year's 29th edition featured a nail-biting match-up between the defending champion
Benita Johnson from Australia and 2005 winner and course record-holder (15:18) Asmae Leghzaoui
from Morocco. Neither woman had shown much in the way of world-class form so far this year,
and the Ethiopians were more highly tipped, but no one could trade strides with Johnson and
Leghzaoui once the real racing got under way.
The gun sent 3,123 women on their way, with a knot of world-class runners at the forefront,
led by 25-year-old Rose Kosgei from Kenya. Others included Mara Yamauchi (GBR), Emily Chebet
(KEN), Teyba Erkesso, plus Leghzaoui and Johnson. Kosgei did not hold the lead for long.
Leghzaoui surged to the forefront before 2km and began to open daylight. While others
immediately lost ground Johnson closed down the gap just as relentlessly as the Moroccan had
opened it. At 3km they were side by side.
The course record holder fought hard, but Johnson's strength was undeniable. The Australian
increased the tempo with brutal efficiency. In the closing 400m, Johnson took 10 seconds out
of Leghzaoui to clip five seconds from her winning time of last year and record the third
fastest winning time. "I only felt that I was going to win with about 800m to go. When I
saw the gap opening, I went harder" said Johnson. Leghzaoui was satisfied with her second
place: "Here it is hot and very humid," she said. "I am happy. This is my first
big race of the year."
1 Benita JOHNSON AUS 15:22
2 Asmae LEGHAZAOUI MOR 15:31
3 Teyba ERKESSO ETH 15:45
4 Dire TUNE ETH 15:51
5 Mara YAMAUCHI GBR 15:51
6 Emily CHEBET KEN 15:58
7 Amane GOBENA ETH 16:03
8 Silvia SKVORTSOVA RUS 16:09
9 Emily MCCABE USA 16:11
10 Nataliya BERKUT UKR 16:27
11 Lucy SMITH CAN 16:32
12 Renee GUNNING USA 16:37
14 Ludmila PETROVA RUS 16:51
15 Patty MURRAY USA 17:02
AIMS' newest member, announced just a week before the race was held, welcomed its runners
with sunny, warm weather and a fresh wind. Only two days before the event most runners would
have been extremely nervous, if not in shock, because for the previous 10 days the Moscow
region had broken all records for seasonal temperature highs.
But they were not put off: the event attracted 1400 runners from 37 regions of Russia and
from 12 countries of the world. Half of them chose the half marathon distance, others
preferred the shorter distances offered.
The half marathon course was of three equal laps through the streets of Zelenograd. The
town is part of the Russian capital, but it was established as a separate city only 50 years
ago, in a wooded area 20km from Greater Moscow. One-third of it is still covered by forest
Both the men's and women's winners emerged early in their respective races, after the first
lap: Alina Ivanova (personal best in marathon 2:25.32) and Sergey Lukin (personal best in
marathon 2:10.57). They held their positions right through to the finish, and were not
seriously contested.
1 Sergey LUKIN RUS 1:04:32
2 Sergey YEMELIANOV RUS 1:04:56
3 Aleksandr VASILIEV RUS 1:06:09
4 Nikolay KIRIMOV RUS 1:06:34
5 Aleksey PALAGUSHIN RUS 1:07:10
6 Aleksandr BOLKHOVITIN RUS 1:07:25
7 Aleksey PEREGUDOV RUS 1:07:51
8 Aleksey KOROBOV RUS 1:08:03
9 Sergey SHEVCHENKO RUS 1:09:49
10 Ravil ZARIPOV RUS 1:10:42
1 Alina IVANOVA RUS 1:14:46
2 Lidia VASILEVSKAYA RUS 1:17:22
3 Nadezjda TRILINSKAYA RUS 1:18:46
4 Tatiana MIRONOVA RUS 1:20:38
5 Oksana BELYAKOVA RUS 1:21:09
6 Ekaterina KOKLEVA RUS 1:21:50
7 Natalia KAPUSTYAN RUS 1:22:20
8 Irina VISHNEVSKAYA RUS 1:23:59
9 Irina KOZUBOVSKAYA RUS 1:24:02
10 Zjanna MALKOVA RUS 1:26:34
1 Reuben CHEPKWEK KEN 2:16:05
2 Michael T MISLAY KEN 2:16:27
4 Jose G FERREIRA BRA 2:18:50
5 Adriano BASTOS BRA 2:19:16
6 Giomar P DA SILVA BRA 2:21:04
7 Urias Y DE LIMA BRA 2:21:55
8 Linderbergue G NUNES BRA 2:22:09
9 Eliesio M DA SILVA BRA 2:22:24
10 Celio FALCAO BRA 2:23:05
1 Jacquiline J CHEBOR KEN 2:40:12
2 Marizete M DOS SANTOS BRA 2:40:52
3 Marlene T S FORTUNATO BRA 2:46:48
4 Ilaine WANDSCHEER BRA 2:49:21
5 Sueli A VIEIRA BRA 2:52:45
6 Maria S P SILVA BRA 2:55:02
7 Joyce RONO BRA 3:03:50
8 Maria DO C A GUIMARAES BRA 3:03:57
9 Conceicao DE M C OLIVEIR BRA 3:04:16
10 Andrileia DO CARMO DE SOUZA BRA 3:05:38
The race is sponsored by the Ecuadorian capital's evening newspaper, founded 70 years ago,
and the latest news was that the Peruvian runner Paulino Canchaya surprised everyone in the
last kilometre of the race. He pounced upon the longtime leader, Kenya's Lazarus Nyakeranka,
to secure a clear win. Defending champion Franklin Tenorio could manage only third place this
year. Colombia also scored victory in the women's race, as Martha Roncerla succeeded Martha
Tenorio as champion.
Altogether 8000 people completed this race, locals and foreigners, run at 2800m above sea
level up in the high Andes and just a few kilometres south of the equator. The race began on
Avenida Maldonado, where the main office of Ultimas Noticia is located, on the south side of
the city. The course traversed the old centre of the city and finished on the north side, in
the Atahualpa Stadium.
1 Paulino CANCHANYA COL 46:55
2 Lazarus NYAKERAKA KEN 47:11
3 Franklin TENORIO ECU 47:30
4 Cristobal ANRANGO 48:08
5 Vladimir BURBANO 48:18
6 Segundo Oswaldo JAMI 48:27
7 Johnny Alexander VELASCO 48:31
8 Paulo ARMENDARIZ 48:32
9 Constantino Leon LOPEZ 48:39
10 Edgar LINARES 48:50
1 Martha RONCERIA COL 54:11
2 Julia LOPEZ 54:24
3 Genoveva JELEGAT KEN 54:49
4 Alicia CAMACHO 55:49
5 Viviana ANDALUZ 55:54
6 Ma. Eugenia RODRIGUEZ 56:06
7 Diana ANDRADE 57:08
8 Wilma GUERRA ECU 58:23
9 Jimena CHECA 59:51
10 Ingelena HEUCK 1:00:11
The 29th edition was marked by extremely hot weather, blue skies and 29°C at the 14.00
race start. Zimbabwe's Philip Bandawe defended his title, but he was so exhausted that he
could hardly speak after his victory. He surged away from Jonah Kemboi during the last 10km
and won by 400m. The top women handled the conditions better than the men. The tough Norwegian
Kirsten Melkevik Oppenbu, who trains more than 300km/week, outpaced last year's winner, local
girl Anna Rahm, by almost two minutes.
It was the second hottest ever Stockholm Marathon, and not a day for personal bests.
Although the organisers offered everyone a free start in next year's Stockholm Marathon if
they didn't feel prepared to struggle in the appalling conditions, 14,139 runners started the
race. Nearly all of the 12,435 finishers looked good when they reached the finish line at the
1912 Olympic Stadium. Nearly all the 1,884 dropouts conceded at the end of the first lap,
after 20km. The medical staff had a surprisingly easy day. Only eight runners had to be taken
into hospital: one with a fractured foot, and seven with dehydration.
1 Phillip BANDAWE ZIM 2:20:56
2 Jonah Kibiwiott KEMBOI KEN 2:22:16
3 Sergey LUKIN RUS 2:22:57
4 Simon Gitebi KASIMILI KEN 2:24:20
5 John SUPSIC USA 2:25:49
6 Koen NEVEN BEL 2:25:59
7 John MCFARLANE GBR 2:26:46
8 Moses CHEROP UGA 2:28:09
9 Kent CLAESSON SWE 2:28:20
10 Kristoffer OSTERLUND SWE 2:29:38
1 Kirsten Melkevik OTTERBU NOR 2:37:03
2 Anna RAHM SWE 2:39:02
3 Winfrida KWAMBOKA KEN 2:45:48
4 Valentyna POLTAVSKAYA UKR 2:46:56
5 Lilian MAGNUSSON SWE 2:48:26
6 Malin EWERLOF-KREPP SWE 2:49:30
7 Tatyana BELOVOL UKR 2:54:44
8 Tatyana PEREPELKINA RUS 2:56:07
9 Tina Maria RAMOS ESP 2:59:10
10 Ingmarie NILSSON SWE 2:59:14
1 David KANYARI KEN 2:36:19
2 Gonzalo DEL MORAL ARROYO ESP 2:37:14
3 Jens-Christian BERG NOR 2:41:49
4 Charles CHRISTIANSEN NOR 2:51:22
5 Martin STEVENS GBR 2:52:45
6 Goran JENSEN NOR 2:53:39
7 Ketil-Magne ELIASSEN NOR 2:53:31
8 John PEDERSEN NOR 2:55:01
9 Mark BRALEY GBR 2:56:06
10 Alfonso GEROSA ITA 2:58:41
1 Olena BABENKO POL 3:15:30
2 Hjordis OIESTAD NOR 3:17:59
3 Nina Annette HONGSETH NOR 3:27:09
4 Amy STILSON ITA 3:27:47
5 Gretchen CERVENY GBR 3:34:39
6 Diane HAYWOOD GBR 3:37:51
7 Mary OCONNELL IRL 3:38:41
8 Lise LITHUN NOR 3:38:57
9 Elvira EPPING GER 3:44:57
10 Monica BIGLIOLI ITA 3:50:31
1 Magnus PERSSON NOR 1:15:38
2 Eivind SVENNAR NOR 1:17:10
3 Ole LEIRVIK NOR 1:17:27
1 Manuela KRAMER NOR 1:28:23
2 Marit WEIDERBERG NOR 1:31:34
3 Arnlaug WANGENSTEEN NOR 1:31:58
Photos: Nick Cox/Asia Runner
The event was established following the Tsunami disaster in 2004. Organisers set out to
create a celebration of how the people, businesses, and landscape of Thailand had recovered
and were moving forward. In only in its second year, the race saw nearly a doubling of
participation, with 3,868 runners taking part in all races, including the Half Marathon,
10km Fun Run and 5km Walk. The event has developed its own fun and friendly personality that
the entire island can enjoy.
"Ecomarathon" advocate Hajime Nishi took part in the marathon while Andy Penders
and Charlie Webster from ESPN STAR Sports participated in the 5km walk and the Half Marathon,
Runners were encouraged to raise money for the race's official charity HOPE worldwide
(Thailand), which is dedicated to helping needy children and underprivileged girls in
1 Brent Christian ROEGER USA 2:45:44
2 Eddy OU USA 3:11:10
3 Seppo ROSNELL FIN 3:15:37
4 Nigel Francis SPURGEON AUS 3:16:46
5 Ryoji TAKAHASHI JPN 3:25:56
6 Fathi JUNAIDI BRU 3:26:44
7 Larry BRIGHT USA 3:30:02
8 Jaray JIARANAI THA 3:31:59
9 Makoto WATANABE JPN 3:35:35
10 Charoen SRITHA THA 3:37:59
1 Nicola GREEN GBR 3:16:46
2 Lai Chee YONG SIN 3:50:46
3 Diana FINKEL USA 3:51:03
4 Premjit NARUELAH THA 3:54:26
5 Steph COX GBR 4:01:21
1 Niwat OITIP THA 1:21:14
2 Anthony SEAKINS GBR 1:22:25
3 Dominic Yu Ho CHUNG CHN 1:22:36
1 Vivian TANG SIN 1:29:05
2 Gillian CASTKA GBR 1:33:29
3 Pauline MULROY GBR 1:36:51
1 Leonid SHVETSOV RUS 5:20:49
2 Grigory MURZIN RUS 5:30:20
3 Mncedisi MKHIZE RSA 5:32:58
4 Fusi NHLAPO RSA 5:33:56
5 Leboko NOTO LES 5:35:35
6 Oleg KHARITONOV RUS 5:40:02
7 Stephen MUZHINGI ZIM 5:40:19
8 Sipho NGOMANE RSA 5:45:29
9 Lucas NONYANA RSA 5:47:40
10 Godfrey SESENYAMOTSE RSA 5:48:26
1 Olesya NURGALIEVA RUS 6:10:11
2 Elena NURGALIEVA RUS 6:10:40
3 Madina BIKTIGIROVA RUS 6:22:03
4 Farwa MENTOOR RSA 6:24:38
5 Marina MYSHLYANOVA RUS 6:25:26
6 Alena VINITSKAYA RUS 6:28:51
7 Yolanda MCLEAN RSA 6:29:55
8 Maria BAK GER 6:33:56
9 Adinda KRUGER RSA 6:38:39
10 Grace DE OLIVEIRA RSA 6:57:37
1 Wen-liang ZHANG CHN 2:19:01
2 Edwin KOMEN KEN 2:20:04
3 Li-jun MA CHN 2:20:51
1 Yuan-yuan JIANG CHN 2:41:01
2 Xiao LIU CHN 2:42:38
3 Xuw-qin WANG CHN 2:45:45
Photos: Denise Relke
Patrick Nthiwa missed the start but stormed his way past a record field of over 4,000 to
set a new course record of 63:10 writes Alan Brookes. He beat Moroccan Mustapha Bennacer's 2003 mark by a mere
four seconds. Fellow Kenyan Magdalene Mukunzi had a less-dramatic come-from-behind win as she
blew past Canada's top-ranked marathoner and Calgary's Lisa Harvey around 12km, before
cruising to a comfortable victory. Harvey was delighted with her second place, almost a minute
and a half ahead of Lioudmila Kortchguina, who had a miserable day in the rain after Harvey
had been an ignominious 17 minutes behind her at the Ottawa Marathon a month before.
The men started out with a fast, downhill kilometre before a group of five — Kenyan
Joshua Kemei, Toronto's Danny Kassap and Giitah Macharia, Ottawa's Joseph Nsengiyumva and
Nanaimo's Steve Osaduik — settled down to a steady pace. They passed 5km in 14:50, by
which time Osaduik had slipped off the back. Nsengiyumva was next to drop, at 6km, and
Macharia fell back after the ninth kilometre was clicked off in 2:55. Kassap continued to
push, passing 10km in 29:24 after a 2:38 on the big downhill to Spanish Banks, with Kemei
tucked in behind.
Nthiwa then emerged, running hard from 10-13km along the flat stretch of Spanish Banks
right next to the Pacific Ocean with the snow-capped North Shore Mountains in the background.
He dramatically caught the two leaders at the end of this stretch on the stiff uphill slope to
West 4th Avenue, just before 14km. Continuing his relentless pursuit-pace, he ran 2:59 and
2:58 for the next 2km. Kemei dropped fast; Kassap held on only until 16km. By this time, the
drizzle had turned to light rain, and then to a deluge. Alone, in pouring rain, Nthiwa battled
the elements and the clock, chasing the extra $1,000 course record bonus. Coming down off the
majestic Burrard Bridge, he hammered out 2:56 and 2:54 for the 20th and 21st kilometres, to
cross the finish line in Stanley park with just four seconds to spare.
Despite the rain, there were smiles: a record sized field, the new course record, and a new
fundraising record in excess of a quarter of a million dollars for six local charities. The
sun even appeared as astonishingly as the downpour, to brighten up the awards proceedings and
the bedraggled volunteer crews.
1 Patrick NTHIWA KEN 1:03:10
2 Danny KASSAP CAN 1:04:03
3 Joshua KEMEI KEN 1:05:47
4 Joseph NSENGIYUMVA CAN 1:06:20
5 Steve OSADUIK CAN 1:06:27
6 Mike HEIDT 1:08:12
7 Michael KASAHUR USA 1:08:21
8 Steve MURENBEELD CAN 1:09:52
9 Graeme WILSON CAN 1:10:00
10 Norman TINKHAM CAN 1:12:22
1 Magdalene MUKUNZI KEN 1:14:02
2 Lisa HARVEY CAN 1:15:45
3 Lioudmila KORTCHAGUINA CAN 1:17:11
4 Jennifer FARAONE CAN 1:19:11
5 Gwen GRENIER USA 1:20:35
6 Lauren MATTHEWS USA 1:20:54
7 Jane CULLIS CAN 1:21:49
8 Carla DUNN CAN 1:22:20
9 Trisha STEIDL USA 1:23:51
10 Celia AMBERY CAN 1:24:02
More than 10,000 runners participated in the Rio de Janeiro City Marathon and its associated
Half Marathon and 6km Family Run.
It was a beautiful sunny day, and more than 500 foreign runners were able to appreciate the
occasion. Former Olympic Champion Rosa Mota also attended, and saw an exciting contest between
two Brazilian runners already qualified for the 2007 Pan-American Games at the end of July.
Both male and female winners received the biggest prize ever paid in this sort of competition
in Brazil.
The Marathon started at Recreio Beach and ran through all of Rio's famous beaches. The Half
Marathon started at Barra Beach, on the marathon course, and both finished at Flamengo Beach,
in a beautiful park, where the Family 6km Run also took place. All races started at the same
time so that the Family Run competitors waited for the Half Marathon runners, and both
together they awaited the marathon runners on the common finish line.
The women's Half Marathon contest was intense, between Sirlene Pinho and Marcia Narloch,
who were both qualified for 2007 Pan-American Games, and were using the half marathon as part
of their Games build-up. From the start they alternated the lead but in the end, Pinho won by
just less than 100m.
Rosa Mota was the 6km Family run race patron, and she also participated.
1 Elson GRACIOLI BRA 2:18:31
2 Mauro T PINTO BRA 2:19:01
3 Genilson J DA SILVA BRA 2:19:31
4 Jose G FERREIRA BRA 2:19:40
5 Giomar P DA SILVA BRA 2:21:23
1 Marily DOS SANTOS BRA 2:42:16
2 Ilaine WANDSCHEER BRA 2:46:15
3 Marizete DE P RESENDE BRA 2:47:07
4 Elizabeth E DE SOUZA BRA 2:48:49
5 Marluce QUEIROZ BRA 2:49:16
1 Luiz Paulo ANTUNES BRA 1:05:34
2 Marcos Alexandre ELIAS BRA 1:06:29
3 Francisco Batista CUAMATAZI BRA 1:06:30
4 Francisco Barbosa DOS SANTOS BRA 1:07:28
5 Otávio dos Santos PINHEIRO BRA 1:08:09
1 Sirlene PINHO BRA 1:14:09
2 Marcia NARLOCH BRA 1:14:29
3 Gisele Lisboa Oliveira RIBEIRO BRA 1:24:58
4 Damiana das Virgens SENA BRA 1:25:50
5 Andréa Folegatti MELLO BRA 1:26:08
In the Plaza de los Fundadores, 24 hours before the main event, 5000 children aged between
5-11 waited for their own race start, just as the marathon runners were to do the following
day. Each of them gave their all in striving towards the finish line, while their parents
proudly looked on.
The gunshot rent the air at 06.50 as wheelchair and paralympic categories started their
race. Ten minutes later the 2500-strong main field set off, guided by the lead vehicle with
race organisers, international observers and Mexican Federation officials in attendance.
Conditions were good with the start temperature at around 10°C. Spectators screamed
encouragement at runners, who are treated as heroes on this day as they run through the
picturesque 400-year old city of San Luis Potosi.
A group of Kenyans led the race, but at 30km Edilberto Mendez started to forge ahead, and
went on to record his first ever marathon win. The Tangamanga Marathon has historically
generated winners who then progress to become national champions. New records were set in
both categories over the AIMS-certified course as Adriana Sanchez recorded a time of 2:37:37.
All runners received a craft-designed medal in the shape of a shoe with the Tangamanaga
Marathon logo and the City shield. Through AIMS membership, the race has heavily promoted
itself in foreign markets, and as a result was pleased to welcome tourist runners from the USA,
Canada, Argentina, Korea and Japan. Tanagamanga is benefiting by sharing the culture and
friendship of the world running community. We invite you all to come and run in Mexico.
1 Edilberto MENDEZ MEX 2:18:14
2 George ONWONGA KEN 2:20:44
3 Hillary KIMAYO KEN 2:20:56
4 Armando CAPULA MEX 2:21:26
5 Jesus CAPULA TORRES MEX 2:22:31
6 Joseah KIPRONO MATUI KEN 2:23:59
7 Stephen ARIGA KEN 2:24:28
8 Bob ONYANCHA USA 2:25:06
10 Marck CHEPSES KEN 2:25:54
1 Adriana SANCHEZ MEX 2:37:37
2 Anna KIBOR JELAGAT KEN 2:40:45
3 Viola BOR CHEPLETING KEN 2:41:05
4 Patrricia RETIZ GUTIERREZ MEX 2:46:01
5 Teresia MBUGUA MEX 2:50:43
6 Ma Guadalupe ALTUNEZ MEX 2:51:56
24 JUNE 2007: LAKE SAROMA 100km, JAPAN
1 Shinichi WATANABE JPN 6:29:57
2 Kenji NAKANISHI JPN 6:38:02
3 Toshikazu GOHDA JPN 6:40:24
4 Takehito KAGA JPN 6:48:21
5 Toru SAKUTA JPN 6:58:11
6 Mitsuru SHINOHARA JPN 6:58:16
7 Yoshiaki KOBAYASHI JPN 7:06:04
8 Masakazu TAKAHASHI JPN 7:14:35
9 Toru SHIMA JPN 7:21:47
10 Takehiro MATSUSHITA JPN 7:27:55
1 Norimi SAKURAI JPN 7:16:23
2 Hiroko SHO JPN 7:23:50
3 Yoko YAMAZAWA JPN 8:01:59
4 Kazuko KONO JPN 8:11:33
5 Kazuho IZUTSU JPN 8:15:31
6 Tazu ISHIKAWA JPN 8:20:28
7 Yuki NOSE JPN 8:34:15
8 Kazuko KONDO JPN 8:41:58
9 Takako ASANO JPN 8:42:17
10 Akiko KOMATSU JPN 8:50:54

On a warm sunny evening thousands of people crammed into the triangular park in the centre
of the small town of Brcko which is surrounded by the race lap. After a series of 10
children's races about 250 runners in the title 10km event started off on their journey of 11
laps. At the front of the field a group of eight pulled away on the first lap. Two laps later
it was down to five, and Tewodros Shiferaw, already dictating the pace, soon drew away to run
the rest of the race in splendid isolation, coming home 22 seconds under the previous course
It took Olivera Jevtic even less time to stamp her considerable authority on the women's
race, even though she missed her own course record by a single second. She ran a remarkably
even paced race, completing each 920m lap consistently in 2:59. Cathy Mutwa gave early chase
to her but had to back off after two laps, and was caught by Lucija Kimani - a fellow Kenyan
by birth, but a Bosnian by marriage. She was in turn caught late on in the race by Serbia's
Ana Subotic.
1 Tewodros SHIFERAW ETH 29:30
2 Dariusz KRUCZKOWSKI POL 30:02
3 Rafat WOJCIK POL 30:03
4 Panez OCHAL POL 30:23
5 Tamas TOTH HUN 30:28
6 Tamas KOVACS HUN 30:35
7 Senaid HASIC BIH 31:06
8 Velimir BOJOVIC SRB 31:08
9 Djuro KODZO BIH 31:21
10 Sasa STOLIC SRB 31:24
1 Olivera JEVTIC SRB 32:08
2 Ana SUBOTIC SRB 33:34
3 Lucija KIMANI BIH 33:41
4 Cathy MUTWA KEN 34:44
5 Ida KOVACS HUN 35:47
6 Meneleva CHEPELEVA MDA 35:55
7 Dorota USTIANOWSKA POL 36:36
8 Snezana KOSTIC SRB 36:48
9 Katalin FARKAS HUN 36:56
10 Marija VRAJIC CRO 37:03
1 Robertas ZAICEVAS LIT 2:47:03
2 Harri ANTTILA FIN 2:56:21
3 Oleg AVERICHEV RUS 2:57:03
4 Alexandr LAVRENTYEV RUS 3:04:52
5 Jani HAAPALA FIN 3:05:01
6 Garth PETERSON USA 3:06:16
7 Fabian PIAGGIO ITA 3:09:06
8 Gaudenzio VOCI ITA 3:09:52
9 Olli KYYHKYNEN FIN 3:10:19
10 James TREADGOLD GBR 3:11:29
1 Dee Ann W AYDELOTT USA 3:02:08
2 Marion POPPE GER 3:36:50
3 Segolene NEUVILLE FRA 3:47:03
4 Olga TRUNOVA RUS 3:47:59
5 Erja KIVINIEMI FIN 3:52:49
6 Cordula WEISSMANN GER 3:53:58
7 Elena GALTSOVA RUS 3:56:43
8 Titania LI HKG 3:58:59
9 Marina TURKOVSKAYA RUS 4:00:30
10 Milla KOUKKUNEN FIN 4:16:58
1 David KANTARI 2:44:57
2 Maris PAKARKLIS 2:45:39
3 Janne KLASILA 2:51:42
4 Emil SODERLUND 2:52:32
5 Juha ORTE 2:54:36
6 Kimmo KERMAN 2:55:43
7 Mika VERTANEN 2:55:46
8 Alar ABRAM 2:57:31
9 Tapani KOSKINEN 3:01:55
10 Jussi VIRTANEN 3:06:09
1 Paulina TOMMOLA 3:01:10
2 Susanna RAITAMAKI 3:24:26
3 Sanni HELANDER 3:41:47
4 Miriam TEPORA 3:42:21
5 Olga BERNITZ 3:46:46
6 Satu SUNDELL 3:48:02
7 Minna SYVALA 3:49:48
8 Eija AHONEN 3:53:51
9 Eeva KOISTINEN 3:56:47
10 Anna BENGTS 3:59:29
June 2007

