Helsinki Half Marathon, Finland
Sat 6 June 2020
Published April 2020
Cover: Maratonina Città di Udine, Italy
Borneo Marathon, Malaysia
Sun 21 June 2020
River Kwai International Half Marathon, Thailand
Sun 13 September 2020
Volksbank-Münster-Marathon, Germany
Sun 20 September 2020
38th Wrocław Maraton, Poland
Sun 20 September 2020
Polar Circle Marathon, Greenland
Sat 24 October 2020
Maratonina Città di Udine, Italy
Sun 27 September 2020
Coronavirus impacts on the whole sporting community worldwide
30 years ago the Chicago Marathon endured troubled times but emerged to become a leader in the world of distance running. Race director Carey Pinkowski explains…
Back in the 1970s a pathologist from California, Thomas Bassler, suggested that any properly-trained marathon runner would not die from heart attack during a race. Decades have passed and we now know this is not true…
Air pollution has forced cancellation of some major distance running events in recent years but Dr Srikanth Sola describes a new technology to combat it
News from AIMS, WMRA and IAU; Race dates; Race contact details.