August 2012

5 AUG | 12 AUG | 18 AUG | 19 AUG | 24 AUG | 26 AUG
Photos: Getty Images

A dark cloud appeared over Buckingham Palace on The Mall an hour before the race start, dropping its contents in a thunderous downpour. Although the rain eased before the start it came on again hard in the early kilometres and seemed to dampen anyone's enthusiasm for a fast early pace. After a short 3.5km first lap more than half the field of 118 starters passed through 5km within nine seconds of 17:20 posted by early leaders Kara Goucher and Shalane Flanagan. Along the Thames Embankment and around a twisting lap in the City of London, things remained the same: the rain did not ease, but the pace did. The second 5km split was 17:26, and 40 runners passed through within three seconds. One consequence of the slow pace was that when Tiki Gelana fell at a drinks station — all three Kenyans and Ethiopians were at the head of the field — she was easily able to work her way back to the front.

Things remained steady as the leading group gradually reduced from 40 at 15km to 28 at 20km. By halfway, passed in 1:13:13 on the second time around the City loop, the pace was edging up with a 16:57 split from 20-25km leaving a tight-knit group consisting exclusively of the three Ethiopians and three Kenyans. Last year's leading performer Liliya Shobukova had already dropped out but as the pace stayed strong with a 16:21 split from 25-30km her team-mate Tatiana Petrova remained only nine seconds adrift, while this year's third fastest performer Aselefech Mergia had dropped well behind.

As the streets of London were bathed in golden sunshine the world leader and race favourite Mary Keitany led for much of the third and final lap but she never moved decisively enough to open a gap. As the 30-35km split dropped to 16:45 Petrova made up the deficit to lead at 35km, as Mare Dibaba and Edna Kiplagat both fell back. The group of four now consisted of Keitany and her team-mate Priscah Jeptoo, Petrova and Gelana. Although Gelana forced the pace over the final four kilometres, all the way along the Embankment towards Big Ben it appeared to have little effect. Then with 1200m to run Mary Keitany slipped back, but the colour of the leading trio's medals had yet to be decided. Gelana never relented and drove strongly past Buckingham Palace along the 400m finishing straight to take a deserved victory.
Of the five women to ever have broken 2:19 two never made it to the start line, and one dropped out. The slowest of them, at 2:18:58, vanquished her more favoured opponent in the final mile, setting a new Olympic record even in such unfavourable conditions. Behind her seven national national records were broken (UKR, NAM, PER, BDI, COL, MNE and TUN).
1 Tiki GELANA ETH 2:23:07 2 Priscah JEPTOO KEN 2:23:12 3 Tatiana PETROVA RUS 2:23:29 4 Mary KEITANY KEN 2:23:56 5 Tatiana SHMYRKO UKR 2:24:32 6 Xialin ZHU CHN 2:24:48 7 Jessica AUGUSTO POR 2:25:11 8 Valeria STRANEO ITA 2:25:27 9 Albina MAYOROVA RUS 2:25:38 10 Shalane FLANAGAN USA 2:25:51 11 Kara GOUCHER USA 2:26:07 12 Helalia JOHANNES NAM 2:26:09 13 Marisa BARROS POR 2:26:13 14 Irina MIKITENKO GER 2:26:44 15 Kimberley SMITH NZL 2:26:59 16 Ryoko KIZAKI JPN 2:27:16 17 Lisa WEIGHTMAN AUS 2:27:32 18 Isabellah ANDERSSON SWE 2:27:36 19 Yoshimi OZAKI JPN 2:27:43 20 Edna KIPLAGAT KEN 2:27:52

The men's marathon played out in very different conditions to the women's event held a week before, but some things remained the same. There was no rain and fresh early-morning conditions evaporated before the 11:00 start. The sun shone brightly as spectators lined both sides of the course 12-deep, but runners felt the effects quickly, the lead group seeking out any shade on the course before they had got more than 15km into the race.
It was a similar cautious start as after the first 3.57km lap, 59 of the 105 starters passed through 5km within 10 seconds of the leader, pre-race favourite Wilson Kipsang (15:23). Going into the first half of the bigger loop in the City of London, Brazil's Franck De Ameida then went off the front, but no one among the 35-strong lead group made much effort to close the gap — which stood at eight seconds as Almeida passed 10km in 30:38. After taking the turn on Tower Hill Kipsang reappeared at the front, and powered into a lead which all had to take seriously. Past Big Ben and nearing the end of the first large lap, with 15km elapsed (44:58), he had won a lead of 13 seconds over a chasing group of eight, albeit in a major exertion of effort. Kipsang stayed clear and held a slightly increased advantage over six others at halfway (1:03:15 to 1:03:31).

But halfway signalled a subtle change in the race dynamic: up to that point Kipsang had attacked and was on Olympic record schedule, but from here on in - despite surges from the lead players — it was a battle of attrition against the increasingly warm conditions: everyone started to slow down. Kipsang's lead dwindled to seven seconds at 25km, and the overall pace had slipped just outside an Olympic record (2:06:36). It was a marginal change, but betrayed the way the race was to drift. Starting the last lap, as the four leaders passed through Trafalgar Square (30km), Kipsang had been joined by teammate Abel Kirui and Ugandan Stephen Kiprotich, but the pace was now 2:07. The same three were together right through to about 37km as the overall pace dropped another minute from the schedule. On the final climb of the course Kiprotich made a decisive move, climbing a 10m rise in 200m of road as they swung away from the River Thames past the Monument (marking the outbreak of the 1666 Great Fire of London).

Kirui gave chase, but all along the Thames Embankment the three were now strung out in the same order in which they were destined to finish. Up until 40km Kiprotich was on the same pace he had been at 35km, but with a secure gap now established he slowed as he circumnavigated St James's Park and glided past Buckingham Palace for his triumphal procession up The Mall, while the gaps behind him grew.
1 Stephen KIPROTICH UGA 2:08:01 2 Abel KIRUI KEN 2:08:27 3 Wilson KIPSANG KEN 2:09:37 4 Mebrahtom KEFLEZIGHI USA 2:11:06 5 Marilson DOS SANTOS BRA 2:11:10 6 Kentaro NAKAMOTO JPN 2:11:16 7 Cuthbert NYASANGO ZIM 2:12:08 8 Paulo Roberto PAULA BRA 2:12:17 9 Henryk SZOST POL 2:12:28 10 Ruggero PERTILE ITA 2:12:45 11 Viktor ROTHLIN SUI 2:12:48 12 Oleksandr SITOVSKY UKR 2:12:56 13 Franck DE ALMEIDA BRA 2:13:45 14 Aleksey REUNKOV RUS 2:13:49 15 Wirimai JUWAWO ZIM 2:14:09 16 Michael SHELLEY AUS 2:14:10 17 Emmanuel MUTAI KEN 2:14:49 18 Rachid KISRI MAR 2:15:09 19 Yared ASMERON ERI 2:15:24 20 Dylan WYKES CAN 2:15:26
The race started at 17.00 — timed to be simultaneous with the men's Olympic Marathon being held in London six time-zones to the west. The day was hot with the temperature at the start being 36°C. The elite men gradually all dropped out between 15–30km, leaving first-timer Nikolai Grigorov in the lead, to take a victory in his debut marathon. The elite women proved more resilient, particularly Olga Mazurenok, who finished 15 minutes ahead of her fellow Belarussian the veteran Alina Vinitskaya and almost five minutes ahead of Grigorov.
Alesya Shmuklina also took overall victory in the 10km, her finishing time being one and a half minutes faster than the male winner Mikhail Gulik.
MEN: 1 Nikolai GRIGOROV RUS 2:49:06 2 Alexandr KOLONDA KZK 2:57:28 3 Alexandr ZORYANOV RUS 2:57:59 4 Zufarchon ORCHIKOV TJK 3:02:37 5 Andrei IVANOV RUS 3:04:22 6 Sergei KUCHKOV RUS 3:04:31 WOMEN: 1 Olga MAZURENOK BLR 2:44:47 2 Alena VINITSKAYA BLR 3:00:32 3 Yulia SMIRNOVA RUS 3:11:43 4 Rebecca TALLAM KEN 3:16:18 5 Yulduz ABDULLAEVA RUS 3:18:47 6 Ilnara PATYPOVA RUS 3:26:21 10km MEN: 1 Mikhail GULIK RUS 35:38 2 Vadim SUKHOLENKO RUS 35:50 3 Matvey KARAMASHEV RUS 35:54 WOMEN: 1 Olesya SHMUKLINA RUS 34:08 2 Elena SEDOVA RUS 35:53 3 Inna PODNEBESNOVA RUS 36:15
MEN: 1 Titus KURGAT KEN 2:22:47 2 Endale TEKELIAB ETH 2:22:48 3 Agnesius Kiplagat MAIYO KEN 2:23:32 4 Edwin KIBOWEN KEN 2:24:08 5 Peter KIBET KEN 2:29:13 6 Paul Ekai ARIKO KEN 2:29:53 7 Aman SUFFO KEN 2:32:39 8 Henry KEMBOI KEN 2:36:36 9 Harri NISSINEN FIN 2:38:25 10 Mikko PATANA FIN 2:43:47 WOMEN: 1 Salome BIWOTT KEN 2:41:55 2 Leena PUOTINIEMI FIN 2:43:04 3 Sarah KIPTOO KEN 2:46:36 4 Alemtsehay MESFIN ETH 2:51:52 5 Veera VAINIO FIN 3:00:04 6 Hristina KOZAREVA BUL 3:08:40 7 Elina JUNNILA FIN 3:13:05 8 Gabriel CARNWATH GBR 3:15:06 9 Reeta JAKKULA FIN 3:15:44 10 Tia TYNKKYNEN FIN 3:18:57

MEN: 1 Arnar PETURSSON ISL 2:41:06 2 Piotr KAROLCZAK POL 2:41:16 3 Andrew MCLEOD AUS 2:44:18 4 Christian Aarstad ODGAARD NOR 2:44:53 5 Brendan LYNCH USA 2:45:10 6 Paul BURTON GBR 2:45:13 7 Sergio MINDER CHI 2:46:18 8 Will GUZICK USA 2:47:18 9 Brian TINGER USA 2:47:52 10 Alasdair Paul BREWER GBR 2:48:17 WOMEN: 1 Mary BROWN USA 3:04:03 2 Mariah Titlow TINGER USA 3:04:06 3 Melinda SCWARTZ USA 3:06:33 4 Marit Kullerud TRONRUD NOR 3:22:11 5 Sigridur Bjorg EINARSDOTTIR ISL 3:26:14 6 Sara RADKIEWICZ USA 3:27:45 7 Robyn CASSIDY GBR 3:28:00 8 Audrey WAGENAAR CAN 3:28:18 9 Ingibjorg KJARTANSDOTTIR ISL 3:28:54 10 Bianca JANSSEN NED 3:29:43 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Thorbergur Ingi JONSSON ISL 1:09:23 2 Hlynur ANDRESSON ISL 1:16:25 3 Fridleifur FRIDLEIFSSON ISL 1:16:45 WOMEN: 1 Martha ERNSTDOTTIR ISL 1:23:00 2 Rannveig ODDSDOTTIR ISL 1:23:19 3 Arndis Yr HAFTHORSDOTTIR ISL 1:24:33
MEN: 1 Paulo Roberto BUENANO ECU 31:15 2 Pedro Manuel RAMOS ECU 31:49 3 Segundo Oswaldo JAMI ECU 31:51 4 Juan Antonio ORTEGA ECU 32:00 5 Edison Conlago CHANCOSI ECU 32:30 6 Gerardo Geovanni VILLACRES ECU 32:49 7 Marvin Daniel SANCHEZ ECU 32:52 8 Fabricio Alexander PAZ ECU 32:53 9 Marco Vinicio CUTIOPALA ECU 32:59 10 Gerson Moises TULCANAZO ECU 33:06 WOMEN: 1 Diana LANDI ECU 35:23 2 Viviana Raquel ACOSTA ECU 37:00 3 Alicia Gabriella CEVALLOS ECU 37:42 4 Evelyn Alexandra ANANGONO ECU 38:16 5 Andrea Lucrecia TORRES ECU 38:22 6 Jeanneth Narciza COLLAGUAZO ECU 38:36 7 Erika Mariela PANCHI ECU 40:06 8 Grecia Pilar TOAPANTA ECU 40:27 9 Nancy Lorena ROSERO ECU 40:27 10 Lidia Mishell QUIMBITA ECU 41:19

MEN: 1 Ryan DAY CAN 2:36:40 2 Brendan LUNTY CAN 2:38:30 3 Josh SPIKER CAN 2:39:35 4 Chris STONE CAN 2:43:11 5 Mark VOLLMER CAN 2:43:50 6 Darcy BELL CAN 2:45:53 7 Daniel MCNIEL CAN 2:48:30 8 Aj RANKEL CAN 2:50:46 9 Scott JENSEN CAN 2:51:16 10 James FUNK CAN 2:53:13 WOMEN: 1 Kim MUELLER USA 2:58:39 2 Heather KUZYK CAN 3:08:24 3 Megan HODGES CAN 3:11:24 4 Joylin NODWELL CAN 3:13:44 5 Laurie OLSON CAN 3:22:00 6 Amy NACHTIGALL CAN 3:22:58 7 Cassandra FENNELL CAN 3:23:31 8 Alissa STLAURENT CAN 3:24:46 9 Rachel NICKEL CAN 3:24:57 10 Carina SLACK CAN 3:28:33 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Chala LEMI ETH 1:06:00 2 Kip KANGOGO KEN 1:06:15 3 Willy KIMOSOP KEN 1:06:53 WOMEN: 1 Belaynesh GEBRE ETH 1:10:02 2 Mary DAVIES CAN 1:11:50 3 Lisa HARVEY CAN 1:23:27
MEN: 1 Wilson LOYANAE KEN 1:01:46 2 Mark KORIR KEN 1:01:48 3 Solonei Rocha DA SILVA BRA 1:03:15 4 Giovani DOS SANTOS BRA 1:03:23 5 Fikre Assefa ROBI ETH 1:03:45 6 Damiao Ancelmo DE SOUZA BRA 1:04:33 7 Giomar Pereira DA SILVA BRA 1:04:47 8 Ivanildo Pereira DOS ANJOS BRA 1:05:52 9 Valdir Sergio DE OLIVEIRA BRA 1:06:00 10 Josh KIPLIMO KEN 1:06:01 WOMEN: 1 Paskalia Kipkoech CHEPKORIR KEN 1:07:17 2 Eunice Jepkirui KIRWA KEN 1:09:52 3 Rumokol Elizabeth CHEPKANAN KEN 1:14:42 4 Cruz Nonata DA SILVA BRA 1:15:36 5 Sueli Pereira SILVA BRA 1:16:13 6 Marily DOS SANTOS BRA 1:17:13 7 Meseret Legese BIRATU ETH 1:17:28 8 Edielza Dos Santos GUIMARAES BRA 1:17:33 9 Roselaine De Sousa SILVA BRA 1:18:33 10 Conceicao Carvalho OLIVEIRA BRA 1:18:58
Italy's new marathon record holder Valeria Straneo set a new course record, leading home compatriot Anna Incerti by 100m. With Rosaria Console in fourth it was a good pre-Olympic tune up for the Italian women.
A group of 10 runners exchanged the early lead in the men's race. Then the 19-year old Kenyan Kiprop Limo moved to the front, reaching 7km with Ethiopian Zelalem Regasa who then broke away with only Limo staying close, 4–5 seconds behind. In the last 500m Limo upped a gear and went on to win leaving second place to Regasa, 4 seconds behind. Four runners closely contested third until Eric Sebahire overtook Kenendy Kipyeko. Altogether more than 1600 runners took part.
MEN: 1 Kiprop LIMO KEN 28:45 2 Bacha Regasa ZELALEM ETH 28:49 3 Eric SEBAHIRE RWA 29:00 4 Kennedy Kipyeko KEN 29:03 5 Ruggero PERTILE ITA 29:05 6 Issam ZAID MAR 29:08 7 Rachid KISRI MAR 29:21 8 Paul TIONGIK KEN 29:33 9 Samir JOUAHER MAR 29:36 10 Erastus CHIRCHIR KEN 29:42 WOMEN: 1 Valeria STRANEO ITA 32:24 2 Anna INCERTI ITA 32:49 3 Alemayehu HIRUT ETH 33:31 4 Rosaria CONSOLE ITA 33:51 5 Hellen JEPKURGAT KEN 34:05 6 Fatma MARAOUI MAR 34:28 7 Laila SOUFYANE MAR 34:37 8 Federica DAL RI ITA 35:05 9 Michalska Marzena ITA 35:40 10 Finielli Claudia ITA 36:09
MEN: 1 Ben Kiplimo MUTAI KEN 2:22:51 2 James Kimaiyo CHEBOI KEN 2:23:23 3 Alemayehu MEGASH ETH 2:24:31 4 Elias Rodriguez BASTOS BRA 2:24:43 5 Jorge CABRERA PAR 2:25:16 6 Juraci Medeiros RODRIGUES BRA 2:44:43 7 Enrique Sanchez CLAROS 2:46:24 8 Valdeci Arce SEBASTIAO BRA 2:50:54 9 Anibal Ramon Correa MENDRIA 2:52:45 10 Rolando Pereira GONZALEZ 2:53:33 WOMEN: 1 Eunice Jepkirui KIRWA KEN 2:33:43 2 Carmen Martinez AGUILERA PAR 2:48:14 3 Jackline Chemwek RIONORIPO KEN 2:49:34 4 Ivani Gomes DOS SANTOS BRA 3:33:28 5 Lilian Maria Marta GONZALEZ PAR 3:36:20 6 Maria Gloria PETTERS 3:44:36 7 Lenycia NERI 3:47:09 8 Ma Bettina Garcete RODRIGUEZ 3:48:15 9 Melissa OLIVEIRA 3:52:43 10 Ivani Vitoria Dos Santos SOUZA BRA 3:53:49 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Mark KORIR KEN 1:03:55 2 Edwin Kipsang ROTICH KEN 1:03:56 3 Flavio Henrique GUIMARAES BRA 1:08:24 WOMEN: 1 Consolata CHEROTICH KEN 1:17:45 2 Adriana Cristina Silva DE LUZ BRA 1:17:50 3 Nkoki Zaituni JUMANNE TAN 1:24:56
MEN: 1 Yuki KAWAUCHI JPN 2:18:38 2 Shigeki TSUJI JPN 2:21:49 3 Takaya SAKAMOTO JPN 2:24:24 4 Makoto OZAWA JPN 2:24:37 5 Naoki YAMASHITA JPN 2:25:14 WOMEN: 1 Yuri YOSHIZUMI JPN 2:39:07 2 Misuzu OKAMOTO JPN 2:45:46 3 Sumiko SUZUKI JPN 2:47:32 4 Saki TABATA JPN 2:50:14
MEN: 1 Gary OHANLON IRL 2:38:20 2 Peter MOONEY IRL 2:45:10 3 George BRADY IRL 2:48:13 4 Vasiliy NEUMERZHITSKIY 2:48:50 5 Geoff SMYTH 2:49:13 6 Don KEOHANE IRL 2:49:29 7 Peter TOAL IRL 2:56:02 8 Martin FRANCIS IRL 2:57:04 9 Martin HALVEY IRL 2:57:18 10 Tony CAMBRIDGE 2:58:10 WOMEN: 1 Pauline CURLEY IRL 2:45:31 2 Angela MCCANN IRL 3:01:46 3 Ruthanne SHEAHAN IRL 3:23:00 4 Paula PRENDERGAST 3:24:40 5 Mary JENNINGS 3:25:03 6 Niamh CROWE IRL 3:25:30 7 Louise BARRETT 3:39:04 8 Eilis CURTIS IRL 3:39:05 9 Louise KIERANS IRL 3:39:06 10 Sandra FINNERTY IRL 3:40:45 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Sergiu CIOBANU IRL 1:10:41 2 Julio Cesar F CASTRO 1:12:17 3 Richard GORMAN IRL 1:13:00 WOMEN: 1 Orna DILWORTH IRL 1:27:49 2 Emer OBRIEN IRL 1:30:28 3 Linda WARD IRL 1:38:38

MEN: 1 Thomas OMWENGA KEN 2:28:37 2 Huw LOBB GBR 2:38:38 3 Johan-Alexander SALAZAR CAN 2:39:45 4 Louis-Phillippe GARNIER CAN 2:44:39 5 Eric PATENAUDE CAN 2:49:41 6 Stanley LARKIN CAN 2:53:54 7 Sebastien ROULIER CAN 2:55:16 8 Regis GAUTHIER CAN 2:57:47 9 Laurent JUGANT CAN 2:58:11 10 Kevin PARENT CAN 2:58:38 WOMEN: 1 Anne JELEGAT KEN 2:53:41 2 Maryse NAULT CAN 2:57:14 3 Katrina GRAVEL USA 3:01:08 4 Joanne NORMAND CAN 3:08:49 5 Suzanne MUNGER CAN 3:11:38 6 Mylene SANSOUCY CAN 3:13:51 7 Louise VOGHEL CAN 3:18:54 8 Caroline GIRARD CAN 3:22:00 9 Maryse LE GALLO FRA 3:24:05 10 Isabelle BROSSEAU CAN 3:26:15 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Josephat ONGERI KEN 1:06:24 2 Dan VASSALLO USA 1:08:59 3 Joel BOURGEOIS CAN 1:11:05 WOMEN: 1 Lucy NJERI KEN 1:19:03 2 Marilou FERLAND-DAIGLE CAN 1:28:36 3 Caroline POITRAS CAN 1:28:51
MEN: 1 Nkosiyazi SIBANDA ZIM 2:23:25 2 Millen MATENDE ZIM 2:24:09 3 Lyno MUCHENA ZIM 2:25:09 4 Kudakwashe KANDUNA ZIM 2:31:30 5 Marko MAMBO ZIM 2:32:27 6 Tawanda TOKISI ZIM 2:36:47 7 Amos CHEDONDO ZIM 2:39:51 8 Hari IYER USA 2:41:41 9 Paul MHIZHA ZIM 2:46:22 10 Yangu CHIMBIZA ZIM 2:46:33 WOMEN: 1 Winile MNISI SWA 3:10:43 2 Tawapo BIRI ZIM 3:15:07 3 Monika KATIVHU ZIM 3:22:34 4 Margaret LEVIN USA 3:31:37 5 Emily SHEAHAN USA 3:48:41 6 Vanessa WILLIAMS GBR 4:06:02 7 Dyness TOMO ZAM 4:06:50 8 Chipo CHIKAI ZIM 4:13:10 9 Kay STUMBO USA 4:17:33 10 Sekai ZENGEZA ZIM 4:20:45 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Elmore SIBANDA ZIM 1:05:36 2 Kelvin PANGISO ZIM 1:05:58 3 Jonathan CHINYOKA ZIM 1:06:25 WOMEN: 1 Olivia CHITATE ZIM 1:22:10 2 Alicen MANAKE ZIM 1:24:39 3 Hellen CHIUNDO ZIM 1:27:23