May 2012

3 MAY | 6 MAY | 12 MAY | 13 MAY | 19 MAY | 20 MAY | 26 MAY | 27 MAY
MEN: 1 Grzegorz CZYZ POL 2:42:04 2 Tamas KARLOWITZ-JUHASZ HUN 2:45:28 3 Szymon KNOBLOCH POL 2:48:29 4 Krzysztof SIEPIOLA POL 2:49:19 5 Henryk SZOBCZAK POL 2:53:36 6 Piotr WISNIEWSKI POL 2:59:35 7 Marek SOKOLOWSKI POL 3:00:13 8 Pawel SZABAT POL 3:00:47 9 Andrzej PACULA POL 3:00:54 10 Witold BUUK POL 3:02:52 WOMEN: 1 Ewa KALARUS POL 3:11:44 2 Aleksandra JACHIMCZYK POL 3:20:43 3 Grazyna POPIEL POL 3:31:48 4 Beata GACKOWSKA POL 3:32:19 5 Magdalena JANOWSKA POL 3:33:06 6 Jana VICHOVA CZE 3:45:11 7 Anna ARSENIUK POL 3:51:31 8 Edyta WILK POL 3:59:19 9 Marta MONKA POL 3:59:25 10 Monika STRAZYNSKA-NATALEK POL 4:00:21
Photo: BERLIN RUNS / Jürgen Engler

Dennis Kimetto stormed to a world record of 1:11:18 as a total of 10,478 athletes competed across all events in Germany's oldest city road race. It is the seventh world record recorded at the BIG 25 Berlin. Two years ago Sammy Kosgei had run 1:11:50.
A lead group of six runners ran the first 5km in 14:00, 10km in 28:21 and 15km in 42:46 minutes, all well inside the world record. After 17km it became an all Kenyan affair in the leading group of four. Soon after that at the start of a slight uphill stretch Edwin Kiptoo lost contact as Dennis Kimetto and Wilfred Kigen ran together with Jacob Kendagor. Kendagor had been entered as a pacemaker, but then decided to continue to the finish. While he could not match the pace of Kimetto and Kigen in the final stages, he still ran a strong 1:11:59 for third place. Kimetto broke away between 23-24km.
In contrast to the men's race, the women's leading group broke up soon at 5km as Caroline Chepkwony built a big lead. She paced through 10km in 32:11 and later slowed but still recorded the third fastest ever winning time in the history of the event. Mary Keitany's course and world record of 1:19:53, set two years ago, was well out of reach.
MEN: 1 Dennis KIMETTO KEN 1:11:18 2 Wilfred KIGEN KEN 1:11:29 3 Jacob KENDAGOR KEN 1:11:59 4 Edwin KIPTOO KEN 1:12:39 5 Aschalew Neguse MEKETA ETH 1:14:40 6 Moses TOO KEN 1:14:57 7 Edwin KIMAIYO KEN 1:15:13 WOMEN: 1 Caroline CHEPKWONY KEN 1:22:56 2 Taemo Shumye WOLDEGEBRIEL ETH 1:25:21 3 Christelle DAUNAY FRA 1:25:27 4 Consolater YADAA KEN 1:26:13 5 Gulume Tollesa CHALA ETH 1:27:05
Runners in the 41st edition enjoyed two new point-to-point routes, taking in coastal mountain views, the Stanley Park Seawall and other iconic landmarks, and were cheered all the way by spectators lining the course. Participants came from as many as 50 countries.
Women's winner was Ellie Greenwood who moved to North Vancouver from Alberta and is originally from Scotland. She ran the London Marathon two weeks ago but still recorded a personal best time, beating three-time winner Mary Akor.
MEN: 1 Gezahgn ESHETU ETH 2:21:51 2 Benard ONSARE KEN 2:22:16 3 Ryan DAY CAN 2:29:22 4 Graeme WILSON CAN 2:29:44 5 Edward MCCARTHY CAN 2:35:03 6 Brendan LUNTY CAN 2:35:36 7 David PALERMO CAN 2:36:13 8 Tom MCGRATH CAN 2:36:59 9 Christopher MAH USA 2:38:06 10 Drew NICHOLSON CAN 2:39:26 WOMEN: 1 Ellie GREENWOOD GBR 2:42:16 2 Mary AKOR USA 2:46:01 3 Catrin JONES CAN 2:52:11 4 Kim MUELLER USA 2:53:36 5 Margreet DIETZ CAN 3:00:33 6 Rebecca REID CAN 3:00:35 7 Jennifer BRANDON USA 3:03:37 8 Lisa POLIZZI CAN 3:03:44 9 Kristin SMART CAN 3:04:21 10 Alexandra LEA CAN 3:05:44 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Kip KANGOGO KEN 1:04:48 2 Willy Kiptoo KIMOSO KEN 1:05:07 3 Kibet RUTTO KEN 1:06:28 WOMEN: 1 Natasha WODAK-FRASER CAN 1:15:12 2 Allison MACSAS USA 1:15:31 3 Lucy SMITH CAN 1:18:38

This year there was no course record but there were more participants than ever in the four races (marathon, half marathon, 5km race and Cunga Lunga kids race.) Over 4000 runners from 36 countries raced through the streets of the capital city of Macedonia in very hot conditions (26°C at the finish). Cecilia Wangui Warutumo won the women's event for the second time. 77-year old Horst Preisler from Germany, who has run more marathons than anyone, finished his 1773 marathon in Skopje. Macedonia was the 69th country in which he has run a marathon.
MEN: 1 Patrick WAMBUGU KEN 2:26:41 2 Alexsey TROSHKIN RUS 2:32:21 3 Marc ROIG ESP 2:34:15 4 Tamas OLÁH HUN 2:34:59 5 Wilson MELLY KEN 2:39:17 6 Luka CANJI SRB 2:57:47 7 Trpe MARTINOVSKI MKD 3:00:58 8 Riste LAZAROV MKD 3:01:54 9 Zoran DIMOV MKD 3:03:29 10 Zoran JANKOVIC SRB 3:04:39 WOMEN: 1 Cecilia WARUTUMO KEN 2:54:56 2 Tatiana PEREPELKINA RUS 3:03:18 3 Katalin FARKAS HUN 3:17:36 4 Lidija MIKLOS SRB 3:24:46 5 Vesna KIRADZIEVA MKD 3:39:53 6 Tanja VELJANOVSKA MKD 3:47:50 7 Sasha TUCAKOVIC SRB 4:05:05 8 Marija BOGDANOVSKA MKD 4:10:33 9 Micah KELLY AUS 4:24:14 10 Elena PETRESKA MKD 4:42:51 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Sasa STOLIC SRB 1:11:54 2 Denis KORABLEV RUS 1:12:34 3 Joshua PETERSON USA 1:13:25 WOMEN: 1 Agnes KISS HUN 1:22:59 2 Danijela BARAC SRB 1:29:11 3 Enisa TASEVSKA MKD 1:32:20
MEN: 1 Victor Kiprono KIMELI KEN 2:17:02 2 Migidio BOURIFA ITA 2:18:57 3 Lorenzo SNIDERSICH ITA 2:36:40 4 Filip KRISZTIAN HUN 2:41:43 5 Francesco PALATTELLA ITA 2:44:39 6 Adriano GABRIEUCIG ITA 2:46:19 7 Zoltan PEYER HUN 2:47:59 8 Antonello GALLI ITA 2:49:04 9 Stefano MORANDINI ITA 2:54:26 10 Peter JUHASZ HUN 2:56:00 WOMEN: 1 Rebecca Tallam JEROTICH KEN 2:37:10 2 Elisa STEFANI ITA 2:39:46 3 Marilena DALL'ANESE ITA 3:15:08 4 Christine LE BELLEGRO ITA 3:17:32 5 Italia DALLA TORRE ITA 3:20:59 6 Monica CANDIANI ITA 3:21:52 7 Suzana ALBERINI ITA 3:23:06 8 Valentina MILAN ITA 3:25:30 9 Anita HOLLAUS AUT 3:26:26 10 Eva PATERNOSTER ITA 3:26:45
MEN: 1 Brendan KENNY CAN 2:27:20 2 Josephat ONGERI KEN 2:29:19 3 Terry GEHL CAN 2:30:49 4 Warren RINGLER CAN 2:47:47 5 Drew GRAHAM CAN 2:48:57 6 Luka SENK CAN 2:49:50 7 Mark MCCOSHAM CAN 2:50:11 8 Dmytry ZUYEV CAN 2:50:42 9 Marc DUENCH CAN 2:50:48 10 Tony BROWN CAN 2:51:02 WOMEN: 1 Melissa BEGIN USA 2:54:51 2 Nathalie GOYER CAN 2:58:20 3 Katrina CRIPPS CAN 3:00:34 4 Joanne BINK CAN 3:01:18 5 Elizabeth PADDOCK USA 3:01:59 6 Meredith FREIMER USA 3:04:33 7 Hilary MCKAY CAN 3:09:39 8 Seanna RISHOR CAN 3:11:17 9 Jennifer CURTIN USA 3:14:38 10 Valerie HUNTER CAN 3:15:46
MEN: 1 Dmitry POZHEVILOV UKR 2:27:38 2 Oleg PAROV RUS 2:29:09 3 Artem TURKOV UKR 2:43:29 4 Andrei IVOYLOV RUS 2:48:37 5 Isgender METNIYAZOV RUS 2:48:49 6 Sergei MAMYKIN RUS 2:52:53 WOMEN: 1 Irina VISHNEVSKAYA RUS 3:01:29 2 Anastasia KUSHNIRENKO RUS 3:05:02 3 Tatiana TESLENKO RUS 3:14:48 4 Ekaterina ANDREYTSEVA RUS 3:33:55 5 Vasilya ABUBEKAROVA RUS 3:34:27 6 Nina CHAIKINA RUS 3:44:08 10km MEN: 1 Andrei KUZNETSOV RUS 30:40 2 Yuri KHOLODOV RUS 31:08 3 Vladimir EZHOV RUS 31:56 WOMEN: 1 Yulia ZARIPOVA RUS 33:03 2 Lyudmila LEBEDEVA RUS 34:10 3 Anna SHELKOVICHEVA RUS 36:12
MEN: 1 Victor KIPCHIRCHIR KEN 1:00:25 2 Milton ROTICH KEN 1:00:43 3 Henry KIPLAGAT KEN 1:01:12 4 Sentayehu Merga EJIGU ETH 1:01:34 5 Abebe DINKESSE ETH 1:01:38 6 Elisha ROTICH KEN 1:01:41 7 Jairus CHANCHIMA KEN 1:02:40 8 Andualem BELAY ETH 1:02:48 9 Adugna Tekele BIKILA ETH 1:02:52 10 Albert MATEBOR KEN 1:02:54 WOMEN: 1 Hilda KIBET NED 1:09:27 2 Tadelech Bekele ALEMU ETH 1:09:31 3 Ana Dulce FELIX POR 1:09:50 4 Helah KIPROP KEN 1:10:09 5 Isabellah ANDERSSON SWE 1:10:30 6 Rose CHELIMO KEN 1:11:04 7 Josephine CHEPKOECH KEN 1:11:21 8 Ehitu Kiros REDA ETH 1:11:58 9 Dorthe VIBJERG DEN 1:14:26 10 Dorcas CHESEREK KEN 1:16:26
MEN: 1 Sabri KARA TUR 1:14:42 2 Kiyasettin YALCIN TUR 1:21:11 3 Mehmet GUNDEM TUR 1:23:21 4 Sadik CELIK TUR 1:28:14 5 Fethi KAYA TUR 1:28:34 6 Duygun YURTEN TUR 1:29:30 7 Yavuz ERTEKIN TUR 1:29:54 8 Huseyin URAL TUR 1:32:46 9 Firat DIZMAN TUR 1:32:59 10 Michael TRANCHARD USA 1:36:12 WOMEN: 1 Lutfiye KAYA TUR 1:28:33 2 Alessia DE MATTEIS TUR 1:44:54 3 Sirin Mine KILIC TUR 1:51:37 4 Adele Caroline STEWARD USA 1:54:12 5 Aysen SOLAK TUR 1:54:37 6 Latife COMLEC TUR 1:55:00 7 Alev CANKAYALI TUR 1:56:42 8 Sedef OZCELIK TUR 1:57:24 9 Nurgun SAYAR TUR 1:57:37 10 Fatma TOKGOZ TUR 2:03:16
MEN: 1 Julius Kiplimo MAISEI KEN 2:13:03 WOMEN: 1 Xiao-jie WEI CHN 2:29:46
Agnes Kiprop beat defending champion and favourite Lydia Cheromei writes Andy Edwards. Kiprop had dropped out of the Boston Marathon last month, suffering from typhoid. She caught Cheromei between 38-39km, but Cheromei pulled out soon after with a leg injury. Deressa Chimsa ran to form, to win the men's title with the second fastest performance ever in Prague, after taking command around 25km. With a temperature of 10°C and little wind, conditions were good and Cheromei set a fast early pace with her own 2:22:34 course record as the target. She went through 10km in 32:47 and halfway in 1:09:22. Kiprop was a minute behind and Chepchirchir another 22 seconds adrift. Cheromei was further ahead at 30km but Kiprop, much to her own surprise, closed up by 38km and won by almost a minute.
Deressa Chimsa carries a strong upper body for a distance runner and showed his strength in breaking away from a leading group of eleven shortly before 25km. Passing halfway in 1:02:54, it was Chimsa's second surge which reduced the group to five after which he went ahead with a good 15km still to run. Chimsa went through 30km in 1:29:36, 11 seconds up as a contest of attrition went on behind him for the podium places. Chimsa extended his lead to a winning 51-second margin. Philemon Limo, the Prague 2011 half marathon champion, showed effort in every sinew as he ran the last couple of kilometres. "Now I know what the marathon is about. I shall go away and train harder than ever before my next one."
MEN: 1 Deressa CHIMSA ETH 2:06:25 2 Stephen TUM KEN 2:07:16 3 Philemon LIMO KEN 2:09:25 4 Francis BOWEN KEN 2:10:05 5 Nephat KINYANUI KEN 2:11:05 6 Julius Arile LOMERINYANG KEN 2:12:12 7 Wirimai JUWAWO ZIM 2:14:37 8 Teferei BACHA ETH 2:14:37 9 Niguse CHALA ETH 2:14:41 10 Yared DAGNAW ETH 2:14:59 WOMEN: 1 Agnes KIPROP KEN 2:25:41 2 Filomena CHEPCHIRCHIR KEN 2:26:50 3 Meseret DEBEKELE ETH 2:27:15 4 Salem AIT ALG 2:27:21 5 Misiker MEKONNIN ETH 2:29:46 6 Silvia SKVORTSOVA RUS 2:30:27
A capacity field of 2,300 participants from 52 countries took on the challenge of either the marathon, half marathon, 10km or 5km. 582 runners completed the marathon, 919 the half marathon and 548 opted for the shorter 5km and 10km events.
Runners faced hot and humid conditions as they tackled the 5164 steps that are part of this adventure marathon. All runners cross a 3.5km section of the Great Wall early in the race and those opting for the marathon repeat that section, in reverse, late in the race. In between runners pass through a number of historical Chinese villages that are typical of the Huangyuguan region.
Luis Alonso of Spain finished almost 20 minutes clear of a chasing group of three who all finished within 37 seconds. Finnish runner Mari Kauri became the first female back-to-back winner, shaving 36 seconds off her 2011 time.
USA runners were again the majority (621), with 208 from Australia, 194 from Great Britain, 129 from France and 105 from Canada. There was also good representation from Denmark (92), Germany (84)and New Zealand (75).
MEN: 1 Luis ALONSO ESP 3:39:28 2 Yanzong CHEN CHN 3:58:20 3 Max NEUMANN GER 3:58:54 4 Nicolai HOLM KJOELBAEK DEN 3:58:57 5 Brendon THOMAS USA 4:07:32 6 Steve HIBBS USA 4:10:57 7 Yuanding CHEN CHN 4:18:36 8 Shane JOHNSTONE AUS 4:23:30 9 David HOVEN USA 4:26:15 10 Juoko HOYNALA FIN 4:26:33 WOMEN: 1 Mari KAURI FIN 4:10:43 2 Lara PRINCE NZL 4:20:36 3 Siobhan MCHUGH IRL 4:30:44 4 Lina AUGAITIS CAN 4:36:22 5 Zuzana STOLIICNA SVK 4:43:03 6 Crystal DANIELS 4:50:56 7 Gillian LUI USA 4:51:39 8 Jamie LANE USA 4:55:57 9 Lucy BIDDLESTONE GBR 5:02:04 10 Jennifer DREW GBR 5:04:39
MEN: 1 Mitja KOSOVELJ SLO 2:22:09 2 Erkolo ASHENAFI ETH 2:27:45 3 Robert KOTNIK SLO 2:31:03 4 Mario VRACIC SLO 2:35:39 5 Rok GRILC SLO 2:42:54 6 Mirko JANJATOVIC SLO 2:43:15 7 Ales ZONTAR SLO 2:43:18 8 Aljosa SMOLNIKAR SLO 2:45:11 9 Zvonko BLATNIK SLO 2:45:22 10 Matevs SCHAUBACH SLO 2:46:23 WOMEN: 1 Marija VRACIC SLO 2:57:33 2 Barbara CLEMENZ-DIMNIK SLO 3:14:35 3 Brigita BURJA SLO 3:31:21 4 Natasa ZAVASNIK SLO 3:37:05 5 Monica NAGY HUN 3:37:56 6 Dragica KUSTEC SLO 3:38:27 7 Brigita KOPRIVEC SLO 3:39:18 8 Valda DORNIK SLO 3:39:58 9 Natalija LESNIK SLO 3:42:22 10 Silvija DUNJKO-FANZOL SLO 3:43:32
MEN: 1 Martin PARKHOI DEN 2:24:49 2 Barry MINNOCK IRL 2:26:49 3 Neals STRIK NED 2:26:59 4 Lars BUDOLFSEN DEN 2:27:11 5 Tom KRISTENSEN DEN 2:27:56 6 Thomas MADSEN DEN 2:29:27 7 Ulrik DAM NIELSEN DEN 2:30:57 8 Jeppe FARSOHT DEN 2:31:40 9 Frank CHRISTENSEN DEN 2:32:49 10 Oscar NORUP 2:33:21 WOMEN: 1 Barbra SANCHEZ IRL 2:41:17 2 Lene HJELMSO DEN 2:45:16 3 Marthe Katherine MYHRE NOR 2:46:51 4 Anne-Sofie Pade HANSEN DEN 2:49:57 5 Luise SONDER DEN 2:52:08 6 Lone BALLING 2:53:04 7 Anne Mette KLEIS-KRISTOFFERSEN DEN 2:56:42 8 Dorte DAHL DEN 2:58:06 9 Annette HILBERT DEN 2:59:58 10 Michelle L FARTHOLDER DEN 3:01:06
MEN: 1 Titus Kipkorir KURGAT KEN 2:16:54 2 Tomoya SHIMUZU JPN 2:16:58 3 Pharis Irungu KIMANI KEN 2:17:04 4 Aleksey ALEXANDROV RUS 2:17:40 5 Tilahun ALIYEV AZE 2:22:27 6 Ishida MASANORI JPN 2:23:00 7 Moges TAYE ETH 2:27:25 8 Mihails BRATUHINS BLR 2:30:29 9 Andrey GORDEEV BLR 2:32:11 10 Andrejs JESKO LAT 2:34:23 WOMEN: 1 Iraida ALEKSANDROVA RUS 2:37:38 2 Miriam WANGARI KEN 2:41:13 3 Jane SUUTO UGA 2:42:08 4 Minna SYVALA FIN 3:09:52 5 Indra PLUCE LAT 3:13:48 6 Dace LINA LAT 3:16:34 7 Giulia PAVAROTTI ITA 3:19:53 8 Mari HYYPPA FIN 3:21:22 9 Sirpa HUKARI FIN 3:25:47 10 Inga PELSA IND 3:27:00
MEN: 1 John Kipkemoi KIRUI KEN 2:18:13 2 Mitei KIPLANGAT KEN 2:30:59 3 Marco DIEHL GER 2:39:32 4 Steffan WITTMANN GER 2:41:34 5 Timo GIECK GER 2:42:50 6 Florian SCHULER GER 2:44:24 7 Thomas FEDERSEL GER 2:45:05 8 Bernhard SCHLESAG GER 2:45:35 9 Stefan HEIGL GER 2:48:51 10 Martin KNELL AUT 2:49:07 WOMEN: 1 Lydia RUTTO KEN 2:42:37 2 Rike SCHMIDT GER 2:54:45 3 Ulrike MAYER-TANCIC GER 3:07:53 4 Christine RAMSAUER GER 3:09:06 5 Andrea LUTZ GER 3:09:26 6 Nicole LUKSCHE GER 3:14:54 7 Irmgard WEIDENHILLER GER 3:19:04 8 Elvira FLURSCHUTZ GER 3:19:11 9 Annette SATTLER GER 3:20:39 10 Katrin VOLK GER 3:21:54
MEN: 1 Rui Pedro SILVA POR 1:05:14 2 Paulo GOMES POR 1:05:49 3 Daniel PINHEIRO POR 1:07:11 4 Vasco AZEVEDO POR 1:08:45 5 Luis MENDES POR 1:08:49 6 Jorge PINTO POR 1:08:53 7 Pedro CRUZ POR 1:09:09 8 Manuel FERREIRA POR 1:09:35 9 Antonio FERNANDES POR 1:09:36 10 Heitor OLIVEIRA POR 1:10:03 WOMEN: 1 Sara MOREIRA POR 1:10:55 2 Monica SILVA POR 1:14:47 3 Filomena COSTA POR 1:16:44 4 Catarina LIMA POR 1:17:30 5 Rafaela ALEIDA POR 1:18:27 6 Fernanda MIRANDA POR 1:19:04 7 Carla MACHADO POR 1:19:29 8 Christina FARIA FRA 1:23:00 9 Lidia PEREIRA POR 1:23:56 10 Fatima SILVA POR 1:24:19
20 MAY 2012: LIMA 42K, PERU
MEN: 1 Isaack KIMAIYO KEN 2:16:01 2 Julius KIPYEGO KEN 2:17:32 3 Chirstopher TOROITICH KEN 2:18:36 4 Remigio Huaman QUISPE PER 2:28:01 5 Ausberto Lucas YUCRA PER 2:29:11 6 Manuelito Figueroa SALVA 2:35:41 7 Vladimir Figari TESTINO 2:38:02 8 Carlos Tavera NEGRON 2:38:51 9 Sunil Andres Serna ESPINOZA 2:42:20 10 Jhon Alberto VILLALOBOS 2:45:22 WOMEN: 1 Olinda CANCHANYA PER 2:58:50 2 Paola Estefania Kung VELASQUEZ 3:01:31 3 Mariela Alvarez ZEGARRA 3:19:28 4 Monica Chavez DIAZ 3:21:02 5 Erasma Gonzalina Mendivil LEON 3:25:07 6 Rocio Geraldine Minaya MAYTA 3:33:14 7 Maria Elena Morocho AREVALO 3:34:53 8 Devora Pilar Martinez WOOLCOTT 3:37:39 9 Anunziata Morris FERRAND 3:37:53 10 Tegan BUTLER 3:41:03 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Ronal Paucar HERRERA 1:11:26 2 Raul Manuel Pacheco MENDOZA 1:11:36 3 Edwin Vilca FLORES 1:11:51 WOMEN: 1 Judith Laura Toribio LAVADO 1:16:31 2 Julia Rivera LOPEZ 1:18:37 3 Cynthia Mariela Ruiz CRISPIN 1:22:36
MEN: 1 Vitaly LOGINOV RUS 2:37:07 2 Sergey MESHKOV RUS 2:39:08 3 Aleksandr MOKH RUS 2:42:17 4 Igor DOLBIK BLR 2:45:10 5 Nikolai ARINUSHKIN RUS 2:48:52 6 Nikolai IZYUMCHENKO RUS 2:49:57 7 Igor SYSOEV RUS 2:52:52 8 Sergey KUCHKOV RUS 2:56:18 9 Sergey OVECHKIN RUS 2:59:22 10 Ildar MUSTAFIN RUS 3:00:18 WOMEN: 1 Irina VISHNEVSKAYA RUS 3:06:15 2 Michelle MITCHELL 3:17:26 3 Aleksandra MUKHTAROVA RUS 3:32:31 4 Irina PLETNEVA RUS 3:37:17 5 Galina SUVAKINA RUS 3:44:18 6 Galina YEREMINA RUS 3:44:42 7 Irina KOVAL RUS 3:48:55 8 Ludmila POPOVA RUS 3:51:19 9 Denise SANDQVIST SWE 3:54:53 10 Sophie RUSSELL GBR 4:02:16
MEN: 1 Harri-Pekka TIKKANEN FIN 2:44:10 2 Teemu PIKSILA FIN 2:45:16 3 Jussi HERTTUALA FIN 2:56:02 4 Teemu MANINEN FIN 2:58:07 5 Jukka KAUPPILA FIN 2:58:47 6 Atro ANTTILA FIN 2:58:49 7 Joni HATTAJA FIN 2:59:00 8 Petri HUHTALA FIN 2:59:15 9 Juha TIILIKAINEN FIN 2:59:21 10 Mauri KALAOJA FIN 3:00:58 WOMEN: 1 Johanna KOSKELA FIN 3:07:12 2 Johanna DAVIDILA FIN 3:11:59 3 Kirsi KIVELA FIN 3:17:07 4 Susana ILLIKAINEN FIN 3:21:46 5 Katja TIKKANEN FIN 3:26:30 6 Elina HEIKKINEN FIN 3:28:09 7 Anne VAISANEN FIN 3:28:47 8 Johanna RENQVIST FIN 3:29:46 9 Marika KILJALA FIN 3:32:29 10 Sanna HUOTARI FIN 3:34:14 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Veli-Heikki KOIVU FIN 1:11:35 2 Joni RAUTIO FIN 1:13:51 3 Antti MANNIKKO FIN 1:14:52 WOMEN: 1 Tarja VIERTORINNE FIN 1:31:43 2 Essi EBELING FIN 1:32:52 3 Marjo MULARI FIN 1:33:43

Geoffrey Kipsang and Helah Kiprop ran brave races in contrasting weather conditions to lead a Kenyan clean sweep of the top three places in both men's and women's races.
Kipsang raced from the front right from the start to finish 9 seconds outside the course record. Former champion Deriba Merga finished way down, as did 25km World Record holder and pre-race favourite Dennis Kimetto, done in by injury.
Passing halfway in 14:08, after 6km Kipsang dropped the pace before pushing again to lead a group of five runners through 7km in 19:54. He then passed 8km in 22:36, by which time he had a clear lead which he maintained through to the stadium finish.
The women's race, run in hotter conditions as the sun came out strongly, saw Helah Kiprop winning with a gradual acceleration over the second half of the race. Kiprop was often leading the group in the early stages and passed through halfway in a modest 16:28. She picked up the pace over the final 2km for another clear win and Kenyan clean sweep.
MEN: 1 Geoffrey KIPSANG KEN 28:00 2 Alex KORIO KEN 28:09 3 Victor KIPCHICHIR KEN 28:15 4 Feyisa LELISA ETH 28:30 5 Leonard LANGAT KEN 28:33 6 Bernard KOECH KEN 28:34 7 Tim KIPTOO KEN 28:43 8 Moses KIPSIRO KEN 28:49 9 Silas KIPRUTO KEN 29:00 10 Lucky MODIKE RSA 29:03 WOMEN: 1 Helah KIPROP KEN 32:22 2 Esther CHEMUTAI KEN 32:34 3 Doris CHANGEYWO KEN 32:44 4 Arabel YESHANEH ETH 33:04 5 Selam ABERE ETH 33:08 6 Grace MOMANYI KEN 33:24 7 Helalia JOHANNES NAM 33:31 8 Philes ONGORI KEN 33:36 9 Merima MOHAMMED ETH 33:50 10 Peninah ARUSEI KEN 33:58
Late addition Bernard Onsare broke the 21-year old race record. He has been a resident in Calgary for the last four years. In chilly weather Tanya Gallagher set a best time in winning the women's race. The 48th edition brought out more than 11,000 runners to Stampede Park to cheer friends and family across the finish line as they raised more than $700,000 for local charities — surpassing the $600,000 target and $200,000 up on the previous year.
MEN: 1 Bernard ONSARE KEN 2:22:46 2 Brendan KENNY CAN 2:28:55 3 Graeme WILSON CAN 2:31:03 4 Jimmy GRANT USA 2:31:41 5 Ryan DAY CAN 2:33:37 6 Blaine PENNY CAN 2:39:20 7 Darcy BELL CAN 2:41:31 8 Trevor HAAHEIM CAN 2:43:04 9 Brandon MADER CAN 2:45:23 10 David CORBETT CAN 2:49:08 WOMEN: 1 Tanya GALLAGHER USA 2:54:21 2 Ronke BABANTUNDE CAN 3:01:11 3 Stephanie MURPHY CAN 3:07:21 4 Andrea GLOVER CAN 3:07:31 5 Crista KUNDU CAN 3:08:35 6 Jessica MUELLER CAN 3:15:22 7 Deb RUSSELL CAN 3:15:44 8 Lindsay BYERS CAN 3:16:31 9 Joylin NODWELL CAN 3:17:16 10 Adela SALT CAN 3:17:53 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Kip KANGOGO KEN 1:07:15 2 Jeremy DEERE CAN 1:09:57 3 Frank WOOLSTENCROFT CAN 1:12:34 WOMEN: 1 Grace KARY CAN 1:18:37 2 Danelle KABUSH CAN 1:19:06 3 Lisa HARVEY CAN 1:21:05
In the eighth edition Kenyans extended their dominance with Paul Kosjei leading a clean sweep. Frederic Habimana was Rwanda's best performer in 11th position (2:21:08).
In the women's race a Kenyan sweep was only forestalled by Tanzania's Joan Fabiora taking third place. No Rwandan was in the top 11.
In the half marathon last year's second-placer Robert Kajuga slipped to 3rd despite spending time training in Kenya. The 27-year old said that he had been carrying a minor leg injury which he failed to shake off before the race. In the women's event Kenya again swept the podium. Amie Nishyirembere finished fourth in 1:14:51.
931 runners took part in the competition which included a Full Marathon, Half Marathon, 5km run for fun and Relays.
Organization of the marathon was smooth and the occasion was graced by the presence of Minister of Sports and Culture Protais Mitali.
MEN: 1 Paul KOSJEI KEN 2:14:56 2 Eliud MAGUT KEN 2:16:30 3 Willy KORIR KEN 2:17:27 4 Peter MUTITU KEN 2:17:37 5 Alered KIPSANE KEN 2:17:40 WOMEN: 1 Lilian CHELIMO KEN 2:48:17 2 Penina SAWE KEN 2:49:44 3 Joan FABIORA TAN 2:50:19 4 Rosina KIBOINO KEN 2:51:09 5 Emily JEMUTAI KEN 2:51:27 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Luban KIPKEMBUI KEN 1:03:07 2 Edwin KIBET KEN 1:03:09 3 Robert KAJUGA RWA 1:03:11 WOMEN: 1 Pamela CHESOPICH KEN 1:13:00 2 Alice JEPKEMBOI KEN 1:13:23 3 Ecler CHELIMO KEN 1:14:47
The 10th anniversary event attracted a record-breaking 23,000 participants from more than 100 countries. Among them was 101-year-old Fauja Singh (the world's oldest marathon runner), who formed part of a four-man relay team called Sikhs in the City.
The first Scottish woman home, Hayley Haining, was taking part in her first marathon since the birth of her year-old son, Elliott. Scottish champion Ross Houston, racing in his home city, was delighted to post a new personal best just three months after the birth of his son, Fraser.
Glasgow University student Michael Deason won the half marathon, while women's winner Gabriela Trana will represent Costa Rica in the Olympic marathon.
MEN: 1 John MUTAI KEN 2:19:52 2 Simon KASIMILI KEN 2:19:56 3 Zak KIHARA KEN 2:20:13 4 Totsang MAINE 2:20:19 5 Ross HOUSTON GBR 2:21:01 WOMEN: 1 Natalia LEBONKOVA UKR 2:39:48 2 Mamorallo TJOKA LES 2:43:57 3 Hayley HAINING GBR 2:45:17 HALF MARATHON MEN: 1 Michael DEASON GBR 1:08:20 2 Nick SWINBURN GBR 1:11:17 3 Colin MCGILL GBR 1:11:46 WOMEN: 1 Gabriela TRANA CRC 1:15:01 2 Gemma RANKIN GBR 1:16:56 3 Jennifer MACLEAN GBR 1:17:16
Athletes from 13 countries participated in the Half Marathon and 10km races: 561 in the half marathon (519 men, 42 women) and 589 in the 10km (485 men, 104 women).
MEN: 1 Ali Haydar TEKGOZ TUR 1:05:48 2 Erkhan KUS TUR 1:06:31 3 Elphas Kimaru RUTO KEN 1:08:12 4 Yassine KABBOURI MAR 1:08:39 5 Bekir KARAYEL TUR 1:10:50 6 Hasan TUGRUT TUR 1:12:47 7 Ramazan ISMEL TUR 1:15:08 8 Eser AKIS TUR 1:15:12 9 Kiyasettin YALCIN TUR 1:17:22 10 Nihat OZKAYMAK TUR 1:17:25 WOMEN: 1 Zinash Hayile TOLA ETH 1:16:44 2 Bahar DOGAN TUR 1:17:26 3 Ummu KIRAZ TUR 1:18:31 4 Ezgi AKDESIR TUR 1:26:23 5 Nursel KARATAS TUR 1:28:48 6 Lutfiye KAYA TUR 1:31:24 7 Tugba Merve CAVDAR TUR 1:38:20 8 Mevla YILDAZ TUR 1:39:57 9 Meltem ATES TUR 1:40:21 10 Handan ESER TUR 1:40:47 10km MEN: 1 Demie Biruk GETACHEW ETH 29:31 2 Youssef KAMALI MAR 29:32 3 Hasan PAK TUR 30:14 WOMEN: 1 Natalia CHERKES MDV 35:04 2 Mehtap SIZMAZ TUR 35:33 3 Burcu BUYUKBEZGIN TUR 35:46
Photos: Alan Brookes

Kenyan Laban Moiben ran a course record to defend his title with a dramatic come from behind victory and sprint to the line writes Alan Brookes. Compatriot Julius Karinga was a second behind, with Vincent Kiplagat completing the Kenyan sweep. The women's race featured a solo win by Ethiopia's Yeshi Esayias. The Marathon was part of a larger Ottawa Race Weekend that featured a competitive 10k, won by Geoffrey Mutai in 27:42 (on his own from 2km), and a recreational half-marathon, 5K and 2K. Spread over Saturday and Sunday, the five events attracted over 45,000 participants.

After hot and humid weather, and a windy 10K on Saturday evening, marathon morning offered cool (12°C), sunny and clear conditions for the 5,000 starters at Ottawa City Hall. A pack of nine plus three pacemakers took off at an ambitious pace. The first (uphill) kilometre past the Parliament Buildings was passed in a spritely 2:55; 5km in 14:55; 10km in 29:52; halfway in 63:29 and 25km in 1:15:16. The last pacer dropped off at 26km and Kiplagat began to push. Daniel Rono and Moiben initially went with him. Moiben soon dropped back, later saying, "It was too fast. I know this course and it is not easy." After 30km (1:30:29) Rono threw in two 3-minute kilometres but was unable to shake off the resilient Kiplagat. The see-saw duel continued until 38km when Kiplagat made his move to gain a 50m lead in the next kilometre. Moiben and Karinga had meanwhile been working together patiently to close down the leaders. They passed a struggling Rono, then swept by the tiring Kiplagat at 40km (2:02:31). The stage was set for a final sprint to the line, with Moiben prevailing by a step.

In the women's race the much-anticipated duel between Ethiopians Teyba Erkesso and Yeshi Esayias fizzled when Erkesso dropped out before 15km with intestinal difficulties. Esayias only had to battle rising temperatures. The duel was between compatriot Biruktawit Degefa and Kenya's Ruth Wanjiru for second,which Degefa won with Wanjiru five seconds back.
MEN: 1 Laban MOIBEN KEN 2:09:13 2 Julius KARINGA KEN 2:09:14 3 Vincent KIPLAGAT KEN 2:11:05 4 Abdelkrim BOUBKER MAR 2:11:18 5 Daniel RONO KEN 2:12:00 6 Dereje ABERA ETH 2:15:11 7 Gebreselassie REDA ETH 2:15:46 8 Jeremias SALOJ GUA 2:17:07 9 Negari TERFA ETH 2:17:23 10 Moses KIGEN KEN 2:18:36 WOMEN: 1 Yeshi ESAYIAS ETH 2:28:46 2 Biruktawit DEGEFA ETH 2:33:12 3 Ruth WANJIRU KEN 2:33:17 4 Malika BENLAFKIR MAR 2:36:06 5 Gladys ASIBA KEN 2:42:39 6 Lisa AVERY CAN 2:42:53 7 Josian ABOUNGONO CAN 2:47:43 8 Myriam GRENON CAN 2:49:58 9 Jeemena MISAYAURI USA 2:51:03 10 Marisa NAULT CAN 2:53:25