Association of International Marathons and Distance Races

The home of world running™

Distance Running 2017 Edition 2

2017 edition 2 flat

Published April 2017

Cover: Kobe Marathon, Japan



On the shoulders of runners

By Dr Sandeep Kate
Fun run with a message challenges female infanticide


Upping their chances

By Hugh Jones
Everything humanly possible will be done to boost the chance of one of three select athletes running under two hours for the Marathon this spring — but it will still not be enough, argues Hugh Jones.

Marathon movers

Singh when you’re winning

Brothers who pioneered India’s distance running revolution

See the latest news from Tata Mumbai Marathon

Marathon greats

Jim Peters

London optician who set four marathon world records

Also in this issue …

Lives remembered: Miruts Yifter, Allan Steinfeld, 1946–2017, Ed Whitlock, 1931–2017

News from AIMS, IAAF, WMRA and IAU; Race dates; Race contact details.


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Distance Running

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Cover: Halong Bay Heritage Marathon, Vietnam

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