Association of International Marathons and Distance Races

The home of world running™

Distance Running 2013 Edition 3

2013 edition 3 flat

Published July 2013

Cover: Runners at the start of the Three Hearts Marathon, Slovenia. (Photo: Dani Mouke)



Boston – running strong

By Guy Morse
It has been two months since that horrific day in April when the marathon, our city and our sport was changed forever. I can still see the images and hear the sounds of that fateful day, which began as “Marathon Monday” always does, full of excitement, tension and celebration.

See the latest news from B.A.A. Boston Marathon


Thinking of the children

Lenguyana Tairo-Urasa, organiser of three AIMS Children’s Series races in Tanzania, looks back over the past three years

Running into history

A marathon hotspot: The Reykjavík Marathon celebrates its 30th anniversary

By Eygló Svala Arnarsdóttir
From humble beginnings 30 years ago, the Reykjavík Marathon has grown to become a major harvest festival for runners in Iceland and a hotspot for athletes from abroad. It started out as a bit of a tourism stunt. “At the travel agency Úrval, where I was working at the time, we were looking for ways to attract foreign tourists to the country,” reveals Knútur Óskarsson, one of the founders of the Reykjavík Marathon. “Originally I tried to establish a Nordic ski marathon called Lava Loppet in 1981–82 but those plans went up in the air.”

See the latest news from Islandsbanki Reykjavik Marathon

Also in this issue …

Lives remembered: Vince Regan 1944–2013, Jack Fitzgerald 1923–2013

News from AIMS, IAAF, WMRA and IAU; Race dates; Race contact details.


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