Association of International Marathons and Distance Races

The home of world running™

Distance Running 2020 Edition 1

2020 edition 1 flat

Published January 2020

Cover: Chongqing International Marathon, China


Photo: Ivan Kaydash
Gabriel rosca mic 2019 04 14 10.29.41 002
Photo: Gabriel Rosca
© Gabriel Rosca
Rio city half marathon1
Foto sita diana cernakova
© Diana Èernáková
 mg 0262
Photo: Daniel Jirblad
© Daniel Jirblad
Whatsapp image 2019 11 20 at 11.29.33


He did it – but what exactly was it?

By Hugh Jones
INEOS 1.59 Challenge. Vienna, 12 October 2019


Victims of the system

By Hugh Jones
After the scenes of distress in the Women’s marathon at the world championships held in Qatar last September a red alert went out to responsible athletic bodies that they had to do something to stop this happening again. But it wasn’t the first time and won’t be the last, argues Hugh Jones

Marathon movers

Fred Lebow

By Peter Christ and Horst Milde, with additional material from Hugh Jones
Co-founder of New York Marathon who pioneered mass-participation distance running

Race news

Cheptegei sets new 10K world record

26:38 beats Leonard Komon’s 2010 record by six seconds

See the latest news from Valencia Trinidad Alfonso Marathon

Sport science

Running the numbers

Start Right is a predictive algorithm developed by Marcel Altenburg, senior lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University’s Department of Crowd Science, in cooperation with the Abbott World Marathon Majors races in Chicago, Berlin and New York. He explains how it works

Also in this issue …

News from AIMS, WMRA and IAU; Race dates; Race contact details.


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Distance Running

Official quarterly magazine of AIMS

Cover of 2024 Edition 3

Latest issue:
2024 Edition 3

Cover: Halong Bay Heritage Marathon, Vietnam

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