01 January 2019, 8am UTC
São Paulo Marathon
Sun 7 April 2019
The São Paulo Marathon, besides achieving the gold standard of the Brazilian federation CBAt and becoming the first IAAF bronze label race in Brazil, in 2019 celebrates its 25th anniversary.
The common start and finish of all events is in front of Ibirapuera Park. Organised by Yescom, it is among those races participating in the “World Marathon Majors Age Group” classification, which began at the 2018 Berlin Marathon and ends with the 2020 London Marathon.
On the technical side the marathon course has been made ‘faster’ by reducing curves and turns. There is a race Expo which has stands offering products and services as well as a lecture programme on 5–6 April. Registration is still open; for details see: www.maratonadesaopaulo.com.br.
The event is appealing both to experienced athletes seeking fast times and to amateurs as it offers a choice of distances. In addition to the Marathon there is a half marathon and a 5km. Whether striving to top the podium or just enjoying the atmosphere of an international event, the Marathon is a great option. The race offers on-course medical support, hydration and refreshment to all officially registered runners.
São Paulo boasts many attractions outside the competition itself for those combining the race with time away. There are many museums, markets, theatres, bookstores and parks, as well as nightlife and gastronomy of international quality. Visitors have every possibility to enjoy all the best things that one of the world’s largest and most populous cities can offer. Despite its nature as a working city there is no shortage of reasons to seek out its tourist attractions.
The venue of the start and finish, Ibirapuera Park, is one of the highlights of the city. It is a huge green area, set amid imposing avenues. There are opportunities to run, pedal, skateboard, play ball, walk with the dog or just lie on the grass. The fauna and flora guarantee a tranquil scene: there are more than 160 species of animals in addition to trees typical of Brazil.
Spending a week in São Paulo allows visitors time to go to the nearest beaches. Santos and Guarujá, both about 120km away are scenically beautiful and they have the infrastructure to receive both domestic and international tourists.