16 June 2016, 9am
The Association of International Marathons and Distance Races (AIMS) announces that from today, Tuesday 14 June 2016, AIMS has moved to a new home online – "www.aims-worldrunning.org – “The home of world running™”":http://aims-worldrunning.org.
This change is part of an ongoing project to modernise the website and continue to provide a window to the world of running for races, runners, the worldwide media and running enthusiasts around the world.
Together with this new web address, email contact for AIMS is also being updated. AIMS headquarters can now be reached at aimshq@aims-worldrunning.org and AIMS Members looking to update their details/memberships should contact update@aims-worldrunning.org.
AIMS’ former website www.aimsworldrunning.org is no longer in use by AIMS. Please replace this address in your browser with the new address: www.aims-worldrunning.org and update your bookmarks.
AIMS’ former email addresses aimshq@aimsworldrunning.org and update@aimsworldrunning.org are no longer in use by AIMS. Please could you kindly replace those addresses in your email contact lists with aimshq@aims-worldrunning.org and update@aims-worldrunning.org.