Association of International Marathons and Distance Races

The home of world running™

Race previews

05 October 2015, 7am UTC

Yilan County is well known for its spectacular landscapes, its food and its culture. Scenic marathon, tasty local food, relaxing hot springs: there are so many things to do…

Yi Lan Chiang Wei Shui Memorial Freeway Marathon

Yi Lan Chiang Wei Shui Memorial Freeway Marathon
Sat 7 November 2015

Photo 18

Yilan County is well known for its spectacular landscapes, its food and its culture. It lies on the Yilan Plain of north-eastern Taiwan. Since the opening of the Snow Mountain Tunnel in 2006 the journey time from Taipei to Yilan has reduced from two hours to just 30 minutes.

The Yilan marathon is held on a Saturday to allows runners more time after the race to enjoy being in Yilan.

The Luodong night market gathers all delicious local food in one place: Bu-meat, Gaojha, Zaobing Cake. With the marathon held in the morning runners are by night time ready to re-fuel with the wide variety of food on offer at the market.

To therapeutically fill some of the hours in between marathon and market there is a free post-race hot spring in Jiaosi Park, People can sit, stand or walk around in the shallow pool and bathe their feet in the hot spring to relieve sore muscles.

Scenic marathon; tasty local food; relaxing hot springs: there are so many things to do, It will be a wonderful experience for all of you. Come to Chinese Taipei in November and enjoy our warm hospitality.


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