Association of International Marathons and Distance Races

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Race news

16 June 2021, 10am

Düsseldorf cancelled – organisers cite continuing uncertainty as reason

Races in Germany: mixed messages

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The Düsseldorf Marathon, originally scheduled for 11 April but then postponed to 24 October, has now been cancelled. The next race is scheduled for 24 April 2022.

The five largest German marathons – Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich – are currently planned for September and October. By contrast the early cancellation of the Düsseldorf marathon is a surprise although sceptical statements have circulated about the race for a long time.

“The planning situation is still uncertain. As organisers we cannot plan comprehensively with all the necessary service providers,” explained race director Sonja Oberem. As last year a virtual version of the Düsseldorf Marathon is planned.



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