Association of International Marathons and Distance Races

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Running news

16 April 2021, 2pm

Race organisers lay out contingency plans

Cautiously optimistic in Calgary

The good working relationship that RunCalgary enjoys with The City of Calgary and Alberta Health Services (AHS) allowed the successful planning and execution of an event last fall.

The most recent plan, which was collaborated upon by Alberta race directors and uses data and research from around the globe, has been positively reviewed by both the provincial government and AHS. RunCalgary has applied for permits based on these principles and in early April was encouraged by decision makers to continue planning for summer and fall events.

But it could be up to 14 days prior to the event before express permission is given to proceed or not. Even after being permitted an event can be cancelled at any point should conditions warrant. Run Calgary is committed to transparent communication with all stakeholders and participants. RunCalgary asks for understanding while we navigate the systems and processes required in order to get back to in-person races. If approval is not given by 10 days before the start of each race, it will be converted into a virtual event. If this happens registered participants will be contacted and switched to virtual.


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