09 December 2020, 9am
On 4 December World Athletics amended their earlier ruling on wearing development (‘prototype’) shoes in international competitions (and competitions sanctioned by Member Federations where World Athletics rules are applied) prior to their availability to other athletes.
Disallowed from 30 April 2020 such shoes can now, with immediate effect, be used upon approval of the shoe specifications by World Athletics. These shoes will have to meet the same technical specifications as all other approved shoes.
The statement on World Athletics’ website reads:
“The amendment will not apply to the World Athletics Series or the Olympic Games. The development shoes can only be worn for a 12-month ‘development’ period.
“A list of approved development shoes will be posted on the World Athletics website stating the date from which the development shoe can be worn and the expiry date for approval. To date there is a list of 200 (spikes and non-spikes) approved shoes listed and published on the World Athletics website.
“This new proposal will be complemented by an athletic shoe availability scheme for shoes which is being developed by a Working Group on Athletic Shoes with representatives from shoe manufacturers and the World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry (WFSGI).”
World Athletics CEO Jon Ridgeon said: “The use of competition to complete the final testing of development shoes by manufacturers has always been an important part of the shoe development process. This year has been a difficult one for both shoe manufacturers and athletes with significant disruption to manufacturing and reduced access to competitions for athletes around the world.
“With shoe manufacturers agreeing to our new process of submitting specifications and shoes, if required, for approval ahead of being worn in competition, we are confident that this amendment will not impact the integrity of competition.”