Association of International Marathons and Distance Races

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Running news

04 September 2020, 11am

World’s best half marathon runners compete again

Details emerge on Prague restart event

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Twenty elite men and nine of the best women will compete on the “Oval” 1.3km lap course in Prague’s Letná Park on Saturday morning to chase extremely fast times.

In 16.5 laps, the men will try to break 58:30, the women will aim for 1:05:30. Anything under 1:06:11 would be a new world record for a women-only race. However, times in this case are secondary to the miracle that the world’s top half marathon runners will again be competing against each other.

The women’s race starts at 06.20; the men’s is projected for 08.00. However, both starts can be easily shifted depending on ideal climatic conditions. There are three reasons for the early start: after 06.00, the wind blows least in the Letná area and the temperature should be ideal at 13C. Also, because of the coronavirus situation, there will be fewer spectators around the course. “Unfortunately, at this time we can’t invite anyone directly to the ‘Oval’, but thanks to the live broadcast, no one will be deprived of a unique spectacle,” said race organiser Carlo Capalbo.

On Saturday evening the Grand Finale of a 10km summer challenge Česko běží dál (Czech Republic keeps on running) will be held. On Sunday morning a 5km and family run follow in which the elite athletes will also participate.


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