29 April 2020, 7am
The Coronavirus pandemic has brought increasing confusion to the race calendar.
Races which had been postponed in March now face greater uncertainty relating to the new dates than had been earlier anticipated, and are having to make further big decisions on postponement, cancellation, or wholesale revision of the race presentation. The Berlin, Boston, London, and Chicago Marathons – all part of the Abbott World Marathon Majors series – have taken different approaches to managing this but all converged on a one-month window. Both Boston and London have already postponed once from April.
Projected race dates
14 September: The Boston Marathon, postponed from 20 April, has extended the deadline for registrants to opt out of the race and receive a refund until 26 May.
27 September: The Berlin Marathon has postponed the race indefinitely. The German Federal Government has banned gatherings of more than 5000 people until 31 August, but the Berlin Senate extended this to 24 October for Berlin.
4 October: The London Marathon, postponed from 26 April, is considering the option of an elite-only race as was done in the Tokyo Marathon in March..
11 October: The Chicago Marathon offers runners a guaranteed place in the 2021 race if they choose not to run this year. There will be no refunds.
1 November: The New York City Marathon still has the race scheduled for its original date.